SO sad to see Johnny Depp doing exactly what he was advised NOT to do by all his “people.” His acting career is already in tatters, but he insisted on dragging his ex-wife Amber Heard back into the courtroom for a defamation suit, although she did NOT name him in her article about domestic abuse in The Washington Post. The problem for Johnny is that Amber’s defense will reveal all the grisly details about Johnny’s rampant alcohol and drug abuse, along with all those horrifying emails he sent describing Amber in awful terms and showing just how twisted his brain was during those times. He’s paying his lawyers a fortune and further diminishing his reputation. He can’t win, either way. But remember, he still has a music career to fall back on…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
She’s the domestic abuser!
Amber is a Texas grifter
You are correct Janet. His reputation is further diminished by this suit. He is a repulsive.
Light Brigade
She’s not any nicer than he is. They are both disgusting.
He is scum of the earth