Things are looking worse and worse for litigious Johnny Depp. He’s set to go to court next month for his defamation lawsuit against his ex Amber Heard because she wrote an article for The Washington Post supporting women who come forward and talk about violence and abuse like she did, and how they can suffer from blacklisting and lost jobs for doing so, because men protect each other. Johnny Depp’s name was NEVER mentioned in the article but he took offense and, against advice, sued. Of course Amber countersued (she DOES have the right to free speech) and a female judge just made it easier for Amber to succeed. Johnny’s lawsuits are dimming his popularity even more than Amber’s abuse charges.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Heard is a Texas grifter, a con artist.
Depp’s court case against Heard in England resulted in him officially labeled an abuser. My opinion is that he did abuse her.
Depp’s actions seem to mimic another abuser – Harvey Weinstein, litigious til the end.
And Depp’s continued court battles against Heard also look like harassment/abuse.
If he has any sense at all, Depp would drop out of sight, save his money and live a quiet life. He is persona non grata in the media or film.