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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Amber Heard looks thrashed as she arrives back at her hotel after yet another grueling day in court in London. (her ex, Johnny Depp, is suing The Sun for calling him a wife-beater.) Every day she and Johnny reveal more embarrassing stories about each other such as “who pooped in the bed?” or “two black eyes or not?” Various employees and witnesses are called and forced to testify about what THEY saw or heard to back up or demolish the claims. They all look terrified that they will lose their jobs or destroy a friendship. It’s noteworthy that Amber diligently photographed and recorded so much of Johnny’s drug-addled or drunken behavior. She was READY for this occasion, (Makes you WONDER about her motives.) Whether he wins or not, Johnny and Amber will walk out of court with damaged reputations – is it worth it?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Patrick

    Strom as usual is correct.

  2. Diva

    Maybe they really are a good match!

  3. Strom

    Amber is and has long been a serial muncher. She also had little career so this was, from the start, a scam marriage and attempt to cash in big $$$$$$. Never trust a lesbian.

  4. Jane

    Funny how all posters here forget to emntion on purpose that Amber is violent domestic abuser herself… but you know, she’s a girl so nevermind that..

  5. Miz Busybody

    I will be glad not to hear from them ever again. Amber will no doubt attach herself to either another celebrity or another billionaire, Johnny will continue to drug and drink himself senseless. Acting for both of them is history.

  6. Natalie Pinkhams

    Amber strikes me as a real grifter.

  7. RIdiculous rubbish

    Johnny is so whacked out on drugs and booze he’s basically Charlie Sheen at this point. That being said Amber is no angel here. She knew what she was marrying. Why would she marry a much older man with substance problems? It’s not like she wasn’t pretty enough to have her pick. And why did she stay so long? It’s not like she’s some poor woman economically dependent on a man. There are no good people here and both look awful.

  8. Wilson

    Janet, abused women take pics of their abusers with their phones in case they get killed by their abusers. It’s a way of defending themselves when they feel they can’t leave without worse abuse. Isn’t that what Depp told her, he’d destroy her?

    Alternatively sometimes they take pics to show the person they care about how bad/drugged/drunk, etc. they were, to get them to change.