Producers of that overpublicized “Gotti” movie must have promised John Travolta a humongous salary or else he would have dropped out of the troubled project by now. According to Showbiz 411, producer Marco Fiori (who happens to be an excon) failed to raise enough money to keep the January start date for production, so they found a new producer. So far there’s a lot of bad blood between the players and investors are questionable. The Gotti family has been actively involved in casting and promoting and publicizing their movie – they even courted Lindsay Lohan to costar, but THAT didn’t work out. Too many press conferences and not enough action. Somehow we don’t see this movie ever getting made.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Yep, Patrick is right…Russian Mafia, and many versions of Asian Mafia have the upper hand now!
Hopefully this movie is never made…the guys who did the Sporano’s might be able to pull it off but Gotti really doesnt have much of a story…just a few years of fame and then the last years in prison and death.
forrest gump
yvonne sorenson
I think he is disgusting. How his son Jett died is very suspicious. He just happened to be in a foreign country (a corrupt one) with no one around to study /judge the circumstances of his ‘seizure’ while being a big, healthy, strapping boy. Unfortunately, he was hitting puberty and had become unmanageable. I remember seeing a photo where he is leering at Kelly’s breasts – it was weird. That is my take on the situation..
Christine India
I have heard John many times say that he owes all of his success in movies to Scientology and only Scientology. Maybe he hasn’t kept up with his payments to the Scientology Center and the ghost of L. Ron Huubard and Xenu are putting a hex on him, until he ponies up more, more, more money.
Christine India
Oops, …MOVIE, not moving.
Erika, Strom doesn’t own the hotel on Gay Island, he is only the concierge.
KKK Break Dance team? Who’d a thunk it?
erika w, who are u and why are u riding on strom”s cock?
Erika W.
I think the Protestant Clerical Pedo Conference, the Democratic Scientology Front, the Tea Party Retard Alliance & Bingo League, and the Jewish Conspiracy for Muhammed Swingers, the Black Muslim Attack Commandoes Birthing unit, The Lesbian Brotherhood for Jesus , the KKK Break Dance team and all those Jacksons, Trumps, Khardasians , Osmands, Wayans, Hiltons, and Lady Gagas should all go to Stroms Hotel de Love, on Gay Island, and leave the rest of us alone with our Xanax. We is perfect.
Forget Hollywoods obsession with Italian Mafia.
Anyone noticed Russian gangsters and Chinese Triads have taken over?
Hilary's Duff
I would love to see a film about the Jewish Mafia and how their tentacles have spread from Hollywood and NYC to the rest of the US. Some even think “Lucky” Larry Silverstein is the ‘capo de tutti capos’. Would love to see an expose on him.
Let the man rest in peace! The only man who can play Gotti was Gotti himself. It’s time for Hollywood to let go of it!
Christine India
Not only is the Gotti moving falling apart, everyone that has not been living in a cave knows that John Revolting is gay gay gay. His wife Kelly knows it and this has been proven many times via pics of him kissing his co-pilot on the mouth, the many times he has been busted at male-only spas, in USA and other countries. When you live two lives like this, it will catch up to you sooner or later, esp. on J-Day. How Kelly puts up with this is unbelievable, but I’m sure it’s the immense wealth and fame. Oh yeah, and being a rabid Scientologist doesn’t help either.
How come they don’t show jewish mafia? That would be more interesting. I’m sure they are ruthless then the Italian mafia
This time I wholeheartedly agree with you, Muffie. John Gotti was no hero.
Haven’t there already been a few Gotti movies? How about some new ideas Hollywood?
I’m Sicilian, and even I wouldn’t want to see it
I personally don’t think it has anything to do with the actors or the producers of this movie. I think the problem is that John Gotti was a greedy, arrogant, spineless sociopath who single handedly brought down US mafia. How does that make him a hero?
A “Sammy the Bull” movie would have been much, much better!