We love this then-and-now combination portrait of Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon today, and as a child. He hasn’t changed all that much. Same earnest fun-loving smile. It’s easy to imagine him getting down on the floor to play with his kids. Jimmy just weathered a big storm – his blackface skit from his days on SNL surfaced. Immediately there were online demands for him to be cancelled! Jamie Foxx defended his friend with “We got bigger fish to fry.” Jimmy spent a show making heartfelt apologies and discussing his “personal evolution” since the SNL event. He did the right thing… and still has his job.
Photo: Ard Gelink
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Socks is right
Socks you are 100% right. Look at the Governor of Virgina. Anyone else would have driven off the planet.
BELIEVE ME if Fallon wasn’t a Hollywood lefty, he would be fired – the hypocritical, elitist left has one set of rules for us, and another set for themselves; it;s JUST FINE for antifa and BLM hoodlums to march in the thousands destroying property, but President Trump holds a rally? Oh no, corona virus look out, we’re all gonna die!!!!
He’s a racist. Fire him now.
Dan Dan
He should be fired but not because of the skit. He is a talentless hack who can’t conduct an interview to save his life. David Letterman he ain’t.
Natalie Pinkhams
Who can stand his fake persona
He is a drunken POS. Why you make excuses for the lowest forms of life is curious. I guess all your time Hollywood has permanently charred your soul and mind