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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Jessica Simpson spent Friday afternoon with her girlfriends ogling the Elizabeth Taylor estate collection, which will be auctioned off at Christie’s in December after it travels around the world for people to see. Fans paid $20 a pop to see Elizabeth’s clothing, movie memorabilia, art, jewelry, Oscars, etc and the museum showing in West Hollywood was sold out. Jessica certainly wasn’t there to get fashion inspiration (Liz’s clothing was incredibly gaudy) but she did linger over Liz’s astonishing collection of gems and her 33 KT diamond in particular. We wonder if Jessica will bid at the auction.

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  1. pixie larue

  2. anon

    troubles in the relationship is what is being said so why she would need that diamond?

    Is she pregnant?

  3. Indy

    Yeah Janet,….what pixie larue said.

    I think it would be super tough married to this needy, clinging person, regardless of her endless supply of money to keep them up.

  4. pixie larue

    Jessica is one of the most tasteless people when it comes to fashion. Janet please show the ‘mom-jeans’ photo so we can all mock her.

  5. Kitty


  6. Muffin

    Wedding ring maybe?

  7. Another J.D.

    The collection was amazing! Great taste. Maybe Jessica will do a knockoff line.