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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



OK Jen, you can’t fool us! Jennifer Aniston tried to slip unnoticed out of her New York hotel by wearing a big hat pulled down, tinted glasses, and a long scarf wrapped around her face. Since she’s usually quite amiable with the press and extra nice to fans, it makes us wonder. Is she avoiding attention because she had a little work done? SOMETHING’S going on…

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. pickupyoursocks

    Aniston isn’t horrible,she actually seems to be a pretty nice person; nor is she beautiful. Pretty, perhaps, but not beautiful. She’s on record stating she uses the VERY expensive Euoko and Mila Moursi skincare lines, which cost a fortune. She Sells Aveeno, she doesn’t USE Aveeno. She is a moderately attractive, moderately talented actress who has yearned for fame and acclaim as a serious actress since she was a teen. Everything she’s done – hiring Stephen Huvane as her publicist, her first marriage – were designed to bring her closer to her dream of being a top flight film star. Even her second marriage, bizarre as it is – they spends weeks away from each other, even when it isn’t necessary – was mutually beneficial to both parties. Theroux gets all that attention from his association with Aniston, and she gets to shake the “poor Jen” label of a woman who can’t keep a man. No wonder Lainey Gossip refers to them as “a match made in PR heaven.”

  2. MissEva

    The hell she uses cheap drugstore junk like Aveeno! She just shills for them, that’s all!

  3. Natalie

    Yes, it’s the Aveeno! No surgeries or botox needed!

  4. Sarah

    Pregnant or gained weight…trying to hide it…

  5. CountessLurkula

    she’s pregnant

  6. sandyRED

    Jennifer does the Aveeno commercials (that’s how her skin stays so young) – she would NEVER have any work done on her face. Mid-October in NY is usually very cold!!!!!

  7. Bucky M

    I have always thought she was a beautiful woman.

  8. oliver


  9. Jillian Scrimwith-Simpson

    Why are Americans fascinated with this boring and horrible Woman?

  10. susieserb

    ?So confused? Dressed like it’s really chilly out yet no socks and summer tenny’s?