Christina Applegate just revealed that she has 30 lesions on her brain due to her courageous battle with MS. We just learned that Christina has turned to the Wahl Protocol Diet in hopes of alleviating her debilitating symptoms. The diet, developed by MS inflicted Dr. Terry Wahl, has proven to help many patients although it will take time to see if Christina benefits from the plan -which includes lots of leafy greens, lean meats and limited sweets and dairy.

A few days ago, Diddy’s multiple homes were raided by the Department of Homeland Security over allegations and sex trafficking and we are now hearing that his ex-girlfriend, Jennifer Lopez has been asked to sit for an interview! Both the FBI and Homeland Security are curious to find out what she may have seen when she and Diddy were a thing from 1999-2001. My source says that J.Lo is LIVID over being dragged into this mess, but nonetheless plans to cooperate since she doesn’t want to risk getting subpoenaed.

Carol Burnett is still making headlines at 90-years-old thanks to her turn on Palm Royale, the hot new series on Apple TV+. Carol has gotten rave reviews for her performance in the campy comedy/drama and now the folks at Saturday Night Live have noticed. Despite her illustrious comedic career, Carol has never hosted SNL. That could be about to change as we just heard that producers are trying to work with her schedule about hosting the still popular show as the end of this season or more likely early next season.

The world found out this week that pro footballer Aaron Rodgers won’t be RFK Jr.’s vice-presidential running mate, as Kennedy chose Bay Area mogul Nicole Shanahan as his pick. Here’s what we know: Aaron was actually asked before Nicole to join the ticket but he was never going to run with Kennedy because he has other political aspirations. As my source put it, he didn’t want to shoot his shot on this long-shot campaign but instead plans to run for Senator once he retires from football.

Beyoncé’s country album drops this week and here’s something you read here FIRST. Weeks ago we told you Beyonce was doing a duet with legend Dolly Parton and in the just released soundtracks it shows she’s covering Dolly’s popular sing Jolene. Our source says Dolly and Beyonce did a duet for the album and hoped to keep it a secret, which they did for everyone else BUT this website.

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9 thoughts on “HERE’S WHAT WE KNOW

  1. Beyonce and her Husband are involved in the same circles as P.Duddy

    They all belong in prison.

  2. The question is will Diddy be able to buy himself out of this situation?
    There are many famous people and politicians that have attended his “parties”.

  3. Janet this is my most favorite thing to read. You do a good job.

  4. You can tell how corrupt the music industry is when no-talents like P.Diddy and Beyonce are billionaires. lll

  5. Sadly, a diet of leafy greens and lean meat will NOT end well. The leafy greens are full of anti-nutrients like oxylates, phytates, lectins, saponins, etc, and what nutrients are present are not readily bio-available to humans. There is no juice in the human body that breaks down plant matter. Fatty red meat and eggs have the vitamins, minerals, and cholesterol the body uses to repair and maintain every system in the body. Many MS and PCOS sufferers have found great relief and in some cases remission going strict carnivore.

  6. J-lo’s album and tour bombed. Nobody bought tickets.
    Her association with P.Diddy can’t help. How many date rape parties did she attend?

    The Obama’s have lawyered up too.

  7. My husband tried the Wahl protocol for his MS. We did it for 2 years and his condition worsened. We did Keto afterward and same result. Countless expensive, injectable medications also failed to extinguish the fire.

    What did help was an AHSCT treatment at Northwestern. It shut his lesions down and they have not been back since. Unfortunately it did not reverse any of the disability which occurred before the treatment, but it has given him a noticeable stability in symptoms. No new lesions 5 years later!

  8. To IVT –

    sorry to hear about your husband. Glad the lesions stopped. Have your husband try strict carnivore for 30 days and see if he sees any improvements. Recommend the lion diet (beef, salt, water) as that eliminates any possible inflammatory response from plant matter. Mikhaila Peterson has YouTube videos where by finally going lion diet (which she coined the term) finally stopped the inflammatory response that was causing her depression and joint destruction. Many cases of MS remission by shutting the inflammatory response. Good luck to the both of you!

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