Okay, we all know that Faye Dunaway has a reputation in Hollywood as being “difficult” and as a longtime gossip columnist we can verify that “difficult” is an understatement. But we DO appreciate her acting. (Bonnie & Clyde, Mommie Dearest etc) Dunaway was in New York this week promoting the new HBO documentary about her life (coming July 13) called “Faye.” She was appropriately attired in a black suit and sneakers, BUT it’s apparent that she never smiles at herself in the mirror and she definitely does not have an entourage watching out for her. Not only did she appear on TV, but posed for numerous photos with a missing front tooth! (Did no one have the courage to gently advise her to get that fixed?)
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Thursday, July 11, 2024
kalibri kaibri
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Hi everyone, I’m finding it really hard to balance my nursing coursework, especially with all the essays I have due. It’s becoming overwhelming, and I’m looking for a website or service that could help me out with writing nursing papers. Does anyone have any good recommendations?
Mama Rosa Lasagna
The 1970’s are like the Stone Age to millenials.