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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#madmen #janetcharlton

This might be the most fun you have all weekend. Click HERE, follow instructions and create your own avatar in the world of Mad Men! You can become Don Draper or a glamorous female and choose all your clothes, accessories, and surroundings! It’s almost like “Second Life” – Sixties style! (but less complicated)
If the link doesn’t work for you, use this:

Join the Conversation

  1. ActC

    When it gets to the point where there is no one else to be who do you become???

  2. Honor

    I got the hang of it…
    I love this show
    I hope it goes on forever!!

  3. LadyBee

    Use your brain DUMBASS… -_-

  4. PayMen

    I cant get it.
    This is killing me!!

    How did you make it work??

  5. LadyBee

    It worked for me!!
    You guy are just dumbass

  6. yoyo

    @Patrick – LOL!!!

  7. suegg

    To be completly honest.
    I dont know what to say.

  8. Patrick

    Didn’t work for me either.
    But I don’t wanna change out of my Batman costume anyways.

  9. clint

    for west hollywood F*GGOTS who are using their AN*S as a vagina this won’t work.

  10. barb

    I went to the link. It doesn’t work when you get there.

    1. Janet

      Try again. It works for others.