Watch for Dr Anthony Fauci on the cover of the digital In Style issue. Imagine that – a DOCTOR- who is not particularly fashionable – on the cover of a fashion magazine! He is the infectious disease expert that we TRUST. SOMEONE in the White House is bound to be outraged by the popularity of this unassuming but sensible man. CBS news anchor Norah O’Donnell interviewed Dr Fauci and his wife (also a doctor) for this special issue.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Giuliania di Pandi Rancid
Now who could ever resist some good old-fashioned Yiddish Theater?
“Dr. Faux-Chee and His Bleating Sheep” puts that excremental schoolhouse-rock slaveholder show, “Hamilton” to shame!
Why, it’s been months since it opened, and personally, we still find ourselves daily humming those catchy, memorable showtunes–and there are so many of them: ‘Here Comes The Surge!’; ‘Flatten The Curve’; ‘This Masquerade’; ‘My Phone and TV Are Way Smarter Than Me’; ‘Come Tell Aunt Alexa All About It’; ‘Lockdown The Ones You Love’ (the tearjerker!); ‘Freedom Fries Delivered Right To The Door of Your Cell’; ‘Where’s My Friggin’ Check, Uncle Sam?’; and, of course, the breathtaking finale that brings the curtain down, ‘I Can Get That Vaccine For You Whole$ale’!
The extravagant theatrical juggernaut of “Dr. Faux-Chee” is sure to make a clean sweep at the socially-distanced and hand-sanitized Tony Awards.
And Patient Zero (and Patient Zero-plus-one)–aka Tom & Rita–even autographed our playbill!
Mary C Warden: 🙂
Mary C Warden
Go Max!!
Beachy: 🙂
Hey dummies
The wearing of the mask is not to protect you or anyone else. It is to humiliate and control you. They are trying to get you used to being dominated. That is why they created the TSA and allows them to sexual harass us. It’s humiliation. If people are humiliated enough they get broken and are easier to control It is amazing how many stupid people go along with this without realizing they are being abused. If you don’t think you are being abused then ask yourself why democratic governors said that “people of color” don’t have to wear the mask.
Virus fraud
Infections mean nothing, it’s deaths that count. 97% of people who are infected will NEVER get sick. This virus is totally benign in most people. Only nursing home residents and those with compromised immune systems are at risk which is why democratic governors thought it would be a terrific idea to FORCE nursing homes to take covid patients. This whole thing is a fraud to push the globalist agenda which includes forced vaccines that will render males STERILE. Population reduction is their number one agenda. Just listen to Gates blather on about it.
Nicely done, Max.
Hi Lipp,
The issue is also about the vaccine, else F wouldn’t be on the cover of Instyle magazine. I just want you to read the Instagram account so you have knowledge when the vaccine comes out so you can make an educated decision. Read about the first covid vaccine that had been tested on animals and what happened in the end, read about what has happened in the past with other vaccines.
Regarding Trump and leading in deaths and infections worldwide the reason why it looks like the US is in that position is because the US is doing the most testing in the world so if you do the most testing of course your numbers are going to be the highest because in other countries there may be more but if there is not as much testing then there is no way to know. For example did you know that in China they stopped testing shortly after so the numbers coming out of there are not valid. Look at all the stuff that happened in China. Read about what MacDonalds restaurants did in China. Then think about this Trump shut down air travel from China when even F said not to, Biden called him a racist for shutting it down. The numbers would have been worse if he hadn’t done that. Also look at the big medical ship called Mercy I think that he sent to New York and make shift hospitals he had built in Central Park, Cuomo didn’t use them! Instead he mandated that the sick senior citizens had to be sent back to their nursing homes, while the governors or whoever’s mom was sent to stay at a hotel!! Why would you send the most vulnerable back to infect others. 40% of the deaths were in nursing homes. Those are facts. Also look at the interviews with F and the lady with the scarf they both said that Trump listened to everything they said and that he implemented all their recommendations. So he followed what the experts said. Also if you look at Manafort and Cohen they both went to jail for crimes unrelated to Trump that’s a fact. Mueller spent $45 million on an investigation and if there was something serious they would have got him and they didn’t and the dossier has been disproven it was shown that the FISA reports were discredited and that the DNC paid for it. Also when you look I’m sure there are a lot of peaceful protestors but not all of them are, look at the mess being caused all the vandalism and death and destruction, who is going to have to pay for things to be rebuilt the taxpayers so instead of getting to build new infrastructure money is going to have to be spent on cleaning buildings and repairing stuff that should t have been broken in the first place. Listen to people who have come from Venezuela and hear what they say is happening to the USA. And think about this look at all the prisoners that are being let out of jail because of covid it makes no sense, some of the criminals just let out have gone on to rape women and rob. Governor N of Cali is planning to let out around 8000 prisoners. If we are all suppose to stay locked in our homes and social distance and wear masks then think about it why would you let people out who are already locked up and why not have them wear masks? That should be effective instead of letting dangerous criminals out when they cannot get jobs. Look at how the laws are changing to not process crimes under $1000 so the shop owner gets robbed and can do nothing, the police are being harassed so they are quiting (yes there are some bad but not all think of 911! ) less people are going to join the police, so crime goes up, protection goes down, what happens then? Look at China’s Social Points for the answer to that question. I don’t think you want to live like that lipps. The Social Points are going to end up here but with a different name look at what F said about a passport.
The issue is Trump. He has caused so much death due to his lack of leadership. He should be mandating we wear masks and social distance, not ignoring science. We lead in deaths and infections world wide. We are banned from traveling to Canada and the EU, for God’s sake. As well, in Portland, where I live, peaceful protesters are unlawflully pulled from the street, thrown in unidentified cars by camouflaged, unindentified, armed, hooded miliatary men. This is what happens in Banana Republics. And the flat earth Trumpsters just look the other way and make excuses for a man who most likely will be facing criminal charges after he is defeated. The same charges his fixer faced and is serving time now. Wake Up.
Hi Lipp,
You sound very passionate and you say you care about facts if that is true then you will have no problem going to read the stuff on robert f Kennedy jr Instagram account and then come back here and tell us all what you have learnt and think about it. I would really really like to know.
Lips! Kaitlyn is a strong and beautiful woman.
Putin is Trumps puppet master.
“C’mon man, China’s not the problem!”
Don Lemon is an impartial news broadcaster.
CHAZ will be “the summer of love.”
Ever get the feeling you’re being cheated?
Trump/Pence by a landslide 2020.
So Beachy thinks I don’t have critical thinking skills while she or he supports a liar in the WH. He lied to his wife, to the American People and befriends Putin who puts a bounty on our American Soldiers. He is too cowardly to wear a mask or to lead in the control of COVUD. You see, Beahy, your BS doesn’t hold water. Florida is a hotbed of virus and crazies like you see no problem holding a convention there spreaing more. Andyou think I don’t have critical thinking. Its evident the Republican Party is a member of the Flat Earth Society. Facts don’t matter. Shame on you.
Here’s the Instagram account you should check out:
Take 15 minutes out of your life and see how it affects your thought.
Hi Janet and all readers,
To see more than is shown on the news do one thing, I dare you… go scroll thru
Robertfkennedyjr instagram account.
Be open minded see what he covers then Janet if you have the balls do a post telling your readers to go read it, share info.
Pickup and Patrick speak the truth. But there are those too blind to see. It blows my mind that seemingly educated people will buy unfounded garbage. I guess they aren’t educated after all. An education should teach you critical thinking. Lipp, you might try to acquire that skill.
You watch FOX, Lips?
Good for you. You’re learning.
Trump/Pence by a landslide 2020.
Wake up!
Unassuming but sensible??? After the terrorists disguised as protestors tore through your neighborhood, I THOUGHT you were actually starting to see the light, but apparently leftist stupidity is too strong a habit to break.
Your “sensible” man predicted in 1983 that the world’s population would be decimated by HIV – wrong!
Your “sensible” man convinced that great teleprompter reader, Barry Obama, to give the already disreputable Wuhan Virology lab millions of dollars – and who asked the “sensible” man to approach Barry about the endowment? Well, of course, that great vaccine guru, Bill Gates!! Hey Janet, why don’t you ask the “sensible” man about the thousands of children Gate’s vaccine trials in Africa sickened and maimed?
You must be a stark raving idiot to take shots at President Trump while you’re living in a state run by a leftist tyrant who has once again shut everything down and destroyed California’s economy – oh, except, of course, his wine vineyard, which remains open for business. Oh, and if those peaceful protestors roll through your neighborhood again and torch your house, don’t call the police, because your jackass mayor is defunding them!
Doesn’t work on me, Lips.
I’m awake!
Patrick. LOL You are right Trump IS bad. Read Mary Trump’s book AND the pultizer prize winning NYT article that describe the sleazy Trump family.
And Just today on CNN, a clip of Chris Wallace on Fox destroyed Trump’s argument and your pathetic repeating of the defund Police nonsense. Fox News, Patrick!! Even they are seeing how Trump lies and manipulates people like you.
Patrick. LOL You are right Trump IS bad. Read Mary Trump’s book AND the pultizer prize winning NYT article that describe the sleazy Trump family.
And Just today on CNN, a clip of Chris Wallace on Fox destroyed Trump’s argument and your pathetic repeating of the defund Police nonsense. Fox News, Patrick!! Even they are seeing how Trump lies and manipulates people like you.
Orange man bad!
There. All better, Lips?
Patrick is making no sense. No one wants to defund the police. But the Dems do want to assure the police do not kill people unless absolutely necessary. Reform is needed big time. But ill informed people like Patrick seem to prefer lies and being manipulted by a TV reality star with a history of bigotry. Says what kind of person Patrick is.
Don’t worry Lips. Once Biden is in charge the heat will be turned off on the CCP and police will be defunded and everyone will be woke. Oh. And Covid 19 won’t be a problem for the Democrats. Come on man!
Who are these ignorant people commenting negative comments about the world’s leader in infectious control? Is the Flat Earth Party reading gossip now? Fauci has always been forthright about the deadly virus while the Orange thing in the White House said it was just going to go away. To this day he still does and I bet those who commented above hang on every lie he says. Wow. Pandumicks best describe the likes of Beachy and Frank Sheeran. Shame on you both.
If you “trust” this tool of the commies, then you are stupider than I thought. I wouldn’t trust him to treat a cold.
Frank Sheeran
LOL @ JNUT saying she trusts Dr. Fauci, the same Dr. Fauci that said wearing masks was not needed in March? Dr. Fauci is a bureaucrat. He is trained to massage messages (ie lie). JNUT is an airhead leftist. She is part of the leftist rot that is slowly killing California.
Who ordered the deviled cheese and ham?
Why on earth does he own patents on virus’s and vaccines? A conflict of interest?