Celine Dion spent a week in Paris filming L’Oreal ads and every day was a fashion show when she walked out of her hotel. Paparazzi waited for her daily, and to say the least, some of her outfits were more successful than others. This yellow plastic dress and wool jacket combo is one of the better examples. Celine shrugged off the critics : “You can’t please everyone. I now have the opportunity to wear haute couture and the things make me feel beautiful and strong.” Meanwhile her fans became alarmed because they think she is losing too much weight.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. she looks like a moron. That outfit could have been created with materials from the dollar store.

  2. First off, Janet once again proves what a disingenuous person she is. These outfits are all planned to get attention, just like the attention JnUt is giving her. Celine is an aging woman who is starting to look like a guy going through a tranny phase. She needs to be noticed to stay relevant. Her and her team planned this as is always the case. JNUT knows this too but she’s part of the incestuous cabal that pushes this crap onto us.

  3. She looks absolutely ridiculous…and disgustingly thin!!! She looks 65 years old!

  4. Everyone knows she’s gay. I don’t know why she pretends.

  5. REALLY janet…you fat shame fat stars, you defend celine and insult us by saying WE think she is too thin (obviously indicating you do not agree)

    she has gotten WAY too thin her bones are all sticking out she looks emaciated and much older than her years…this yellow outfit looks like she wrapped herself in a yellow rain jacket…it looks terrible.

    and we all know she is gay, but you print there is something between her and that dancer boy from her act…GET A CLUE janet

  6. Your all right… she doesn’t give a shit. With seven hundred million in the bank.

    Though, do tell her the Cheesecake at the Cancun OXXO’s (gas station/mini-mart) are superb.

  7. Clearly she doesn’t care what people think or she would not be wearing that outfit. It’s silly to pretend that a plastic dress with unlaced high tops is haute couture. Who says so? She looks ridiculous and in some part of her she has got to be thinking that her stylist needs to go. For goodness sakes, woman….you don’t have to dress like a fool to look current and edgy.

  8. How could any sane person want to look this ridiculous? Everything is hideous.

  9. Up next: astro-turf culottes; a dress fashioned from bamboo and roofing-tiles…

    Obviously Celine doesn’t think the Lucifer-worship (ALLEGED) alone gives her quite the edge she needs.

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