We remember how uptight and protective Ben Affleck was during his first time around with Jennifer Lopez in the early 2000’s. Jennifer has always been pretty relaxed around the press and paparazzi didn’t bother her too much. But in those days Ben was very macho – or maybe he had something to hide- but he disliked too much attention. It’s interesting how he rekindled his romance with Jennifer with emails. They had kept in touch with occasional emails through the years, but when Jennifer became engaged to Alec Rodriguez, Ben’s emails became bolder and more flirtatious. Jennifer responded and soon they were testing their feelings for each other. That surprising trip they took together to Montana sealed the deal. Now Ben can barely conceal his happiness and he finds himself hugging and kissing Jennifer all over the place. Even at a Lakers game they can’t keep their hands off each other. Ben has calmed down and he’s grateful for his second chance. It seems like real love.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
These two disgust me. It’s a fake relationship because she can’t be 15 minutes without a guy. They have a contract.
Don’t believe he cared about her with Alec Rodriguez. And, this “relationship” is too much PDA and kids blending too quickly to seem real. Nevertheless, she doesn’t do drugs or drink and is quite fit and that is good for Ben.
Chasing Amy. That is all.
J Lo publicity machine is on again and Ben will be the victim again. This greedy shrew was eager to service Puffy and his gang of BLACK rappers in order to gain fame. No singing or acting talent but has a great manager who gets her huge $$$$. Poor Ben will regret this.
both are trying way too hard
Are you sure it is not the DYKE chasing Amy and Bonnie and Zoey and Sue?