We don’t get to see Barron Trump very often but it looks like he’s grown about six inches in the past year! His mother Melania Trump is around 5’10” and his father is 6’2”, but Barron looks to be around six feet tall at the age of 11! He’s actually quite nice looking despite the fact that he did inherit his father’s lower face. Barron rarely takes part in White House events like the Obama girls did, but he joined Melania for the official Christmas tree delivery. Ho hum. He doesn’t look very excited about it, however.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. And Melania?

    She hasn’t put a foot wrong, wardrobe-wise. Her taste is impeccable, as demonstrated throughout her recent, hugely successful trip–accompanying her husband, THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, to the far east.

    Meanwhile, in another part of the forest: we can’t be the only one who imagines that CBS’s/PBS’s CHARLIE ROSE smells just like embalming fluid when he’s fresh out of the shower. Say “goodnight,” Charlie! 😀

  2. dig, poke besmirch…very back handed Janet. Leave the kid alone..his jaw is gorgeous, he’s handsome and your Obama is NOT In office.

  3. He is a good looking 11-year-old child who appears to be shy and doesn’t like the limelight.

  4. He obviously hates to be in tbe limelight. I have never seen a picture of him smiling. He’s a good looking boy.

  5. I don’t think I have ever seen him smile, not once, even when others around him are laughing and smiling (Ivanka and her kids for example). Rosie got a lot of flack for her comments about him but I do think she might be right, I also think she should have kept her comments to her self. He is a fine looking youngster never the less.

  6. Leave this young man alone. He is only 11 and doesn’t deserve the ridicule from anyone. And who cares about the Obama Girls

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