Here’s a man who makes sense – For YEARS Lenny Kravitz has been brave enough to admit that he thinks women could do a far better job of running the world than men. Five years ago he talked to Image magazine about women in his life – mother, grandmother, aunt, and various exes. He says women are more sensible, have better intuition, and are stronger – they get the job done that needs to be done. And he’s GRATEFUL to have had such positive feminine influence in his upbringing. We totally agree that more women in office will solve LOT of problems…

PS The fact that 95% of the people in prison are MEN, backs this up

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  1. Like almost everyone else in show business, Lenny Kravitz is an idiot. Why would you “turn it over” to anyone? If we’re really going to treat women with equality – hold on now, Janet – we have to admit that women are just as flawed, just as susceptible to the lure of power and corruption, as men. The point isn’t to “turn it over”; it’s to work together, and attempt to do so from a place of integrity and morality.

  2. I’ve had more problems with women than I ever have had with a man.

  3. Jnut doesn’t seem to realize that this sleazeball is saying this to get laid. The only good female is a conservative female because she hasn’t lost her mind. The leftist females are emotional train wrecks and should never have any power what so ever. Same goes for leftist men. They are r apeist.

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