
She’s still cute but less flashy, her hair is a few shades darker and her makeup is more natural, according to an observer. The troubled actress has been seen in LA looking calm and together. Her parents have moved to Texas and Amanda is living with a friend who’s also counseling her. She says she’s not particularly interested in acting any more, but eager to get into the clothing business. She’s been sketching and making patterns and taking meetings – and hopes someday to have her own fashion collection.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Schizophrenia isn’t funny. It’s a horrible disease that takes your future away. I pray for her, I hope she makes it.

  2. Obviously a looney and even her poor parents gave up. She will squander away the rest of her money while she continues her delusional “sketches”. She will become like LL and become a short term “piece” for lesbo’s and druggie celebs.

  3. What do Janet and Amanda have in common? Both are loons.

  4. Her parents are very anxious for Amanda to resume “earning”. They are having troubles meeting their margin calls.

  5. These wacko’s shouldn’t be given so much publicity as it just makes them more delusional.

    She will become like LL and become a short term “piece” for lesbo’s and druggie celebs.

  6. her looks are the least of her troubles and she looks ok in this pic.

    she has a pattern of stabilizing, them getting off her medication and returning to her erratic behavior.

    bynes was arrested for setting a fire in the driveway of a neighbor she was feuding with.

  7. This poor woman. This is WAY past bipolar, clinical depression, or any of the “lighter” disorders. She is schizophrenic. She is of the age where it tends to manifest. Schizophrenia is a devastating burden, not just in one’s one life, but public life. I wish her only the best.

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