The most astonishing news today has nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter protests or the coronavirus – we are flabbergasted because Alicia Silverstone offhandedly remarked to the New York Times that she TAKES BATHS WITH HER 9 YEAR OLD SON! (His name is Bear) That’s how they pass the time during social isolation. Does anyone else find this alarming? Call me old-fashioned, but I simply cannot imagine a nine year old boy and his mother nude in a bathtub together and having a normal relationship. If this were a father and his 9 year old daughter it would be against the law, wouldn’t it? A very odd revelation to make to the New York Times…

Above, Alicia and Bear support PETA

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  1. First you complain about a bunch of leftist hoodlums vandalizing your street, now you’re calling out celebrities for engaging in deviant, unnatural behavior – maybe all this time in lockdown will make a conservative of you yet!!!!

  2. The police need to be informed of this Janet. Please use your Hollywood connections .

  3. She may say it for publicity, ever thought of that? And why does her son look like Jennifer Aniston?

  4. It might have been a bonding experience when he was younger, but at 9 it has to stop.

  5. She’s a weirdo and her son looks like a girl!!!

  6. Hollywood people are all mentally sick.

  7. Are you sure, Janet, you”re spelling Alicia’s son’s name correctly? Seem like Bare is more appropriate.

  8. She also breastfed her son for quite a while (I believe he was a toddler when it stopped), as well as she used to pre-chew all his food and feed it to her son like a baby bird.

  9. 9 years old may be pushing it, but in some cultures, particularly Japanese culture, it’s the norm to bathe with your children. Easily up to early grade school. I find it dangerous to make negative assumptions based on a one line quote.

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