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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#serena williams #janetcharlton


We almost didn’t recognize Serena Williams in this photo from New York – she looks fantastic! Serena has always loved fashion but it didn’t always love her. On the tennis court this champ amused the crowd with some zany outfits and when she dressed up, she wore shiny, tight fitting clothes that didn’t flatter her muscular physique. (Hate to say it, but sometimes she looked like a man in a dress!) Speaking of which, we’re thinking she cut back on steroids or SOMETHING because her body is still strong, but way more feminine and sleek.

Photo Credit Right: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Strom

    Hahaha Juniper comes to the rescue of all things BLACK, it seems. Just test the Williams sisters on a regular basis and you will find the steroids or they will retire. The French call them “Gorillas” for a reason. They totally look like men when without makeup and wigs. Steroidsssssssssss.

  2. brad

    actually she has nothing but strength and a burning desire to win and maybe flexibility. just keeps poking the ball back till there is an error.
    all (but flexibility) due to steroids.
    test test test and TEST.

  3. Juniper

    1. She’s not the fastest female server in the world.
    2. She just has a consistency/technique no other female players can touch.

  4. Dub

    This is insane how the only defense for Serena Williams is those who cry out “this is racist.” That makes no sense whatsoever. How is drug screening racist?

    And for those of you that claim she still would have to be talented, well 95% of the time she just serves with no return. Any dumb brute could just hit a ball fast so the opposition had no time to react.

  5. Juniper

    Strom – I understand what doping is, but how does something like doping help with ball placement, spin levels, racquet placement, service actions etc. All of these skills are required to be a good tennis player.

    Steroids will let her play longer, run faster and hit the ball considerably harder, but she hasn’t proved impossible-to-handle for other WTA players. She probably smokes pot or does party drugs, that’s why she was scared.

    You’re just a pathetic racist.

    ALSO, it’s understandable for Serena to cop flak about steroid use, but why Venus? Her body is slender and very feminine. She’s incredibly strong because of ethnics

    You and your pathetic idiosyncrasies!

  6. Strom

    The WTA should be held to account about letting racist Serena cruise to the championships via steroid use. She is a foul mouthed racist who may be a man in disguise. The French call her a “gorilla” and with good reason. She should be thrown out just as Lance Armstrong was but Lance at least is a great person. Serena is ghetto trash. Send her large ass to Mississippi.

  7. jenny

    To be bed ridden and depressed causes loss of muscle tone. Omg look at her arm muscles! Sorry kids but something is up! I don’t follow blogs but when I heard her before the match and saw her today all I could think of was steroid use and unfair competition I womens tennis. Nothing racist nothing sex based..droids. I wanted to know if they test for enhancement drugs because she looks to be taking them

  8. John Walsh

    Forget this black/white athlete thing. It has been known in Tennis circles for years Serena has been doping. She had an embolism which at her age is defacto proof. She had a doping agent visit her at 6AM to take a sample and she ran to her panic room and did not come out. If her blood was clean she would have been happy to give a sample if only to silence her critics. She did not give one sample in 2010 and 2011. This is not hard to figure out notwithstanding her changed looks.

  9. bongo

    Whoa, wait a minute. Do you mean she’s really a she? Come on, you gotta be joshing me.

  10. Pete

    Steroids cause pulmonary embolism. See the European Journal of Medicine (May 2008). They also cause rages and a bizarre physical appearance.

  11. rachel

    lol@Maisie – you think that wig is her natural hair??? are you nuts? (or just trying to get customers to the link you posted?)Serena always wears a wig or a weave.

  12. Strom

    Give us a break, miss Williams may really be MR. Williams but in any event she should have been thrown off the tennis court for her behavior…typical ghetto act!

  13. anonTWO

    how do you know this?

  14. anonTWO

    “he fact is no BLACK man would pass up pumping her”-trolling turd

    and you how would you know this, TTboi?

  15. Strom

    Give us a break, miss Williams may really be MR. Williams but in any event she should have been thrown off the tennis court for her behavior…typical ghetto act!

    Serena is always complaining about not getting any dates. The fact is no BLACK man would pass up pumping her ghetto style buffalo ass if there was not some other issue…steroid enhanced temper or the fact she might be a tranny…..something is not kosher in williamsville

  16. anonTWO

    that muscle is what is takes to be at the top at the tennis game.

    talent, hard work and LOTS of muscle.

    to the troll accusing MISS Williams of exhibiting roid rage on the tennis court: no one accused John MCEnroe of abusing steroids in his day although he and few other of his contemporaries had notoriously short fuses on the court.

  17. Strom

    Serena is always complaining about not getting any dates. The fact is no BLACK man would pass up pumping her ghetto style buffalo ass if there was not some other issue…steroid enhanced temper or the fact she might be a tranny…..something is not kosher in williamsville

  18. Strom

    Serena is always complaining about not getting any dates. The fact is no BLACK man would pass up her ghetto style or huge buffalo ass if there was not some other issue…her temper or the fact she was a tranny…..something is not kosher in willaimsville

  19. Strom

    Most likely you or I were not born when BLACKS were captured and sold as slaves by their own people, were lynched, or were not allowed in major league baseball. So there is nothing we can do about that. They can look back always like many jews and arabs and see some slight from long ago or they can move forward and keep from being passed by by every other race. When you see pictures of Serena dressed as this or Evelyn Lozada, you see that there is no interest in joining the quest to improve…only a desire to go ghetto!

    The so called “Black” shows its true colors with every word uttered. Maybe having 50% of BLACK women doesn’t bother it, but it should!

  20. Black

    Strom is an asshole.

  21. hello

    Were blacks juicing up when they were finally accepted or allowed to play in the major league, or was it that they can play better? That is always the excuse whites come up with when they can’t win against their competitor. Like the way strom illustrated very well, calling them names, like gorilla or steroids heads. Yes, you will get a Larry bird here and there but blacks are the better athlete. (Jimmy the Greek) Deal with it! Unfortunately, always on the backs of blacks for whites to make money for they only know how to hook and crook to make a living.

  22. Patrick

    Lance Armstrong is guilty as shit! But so is every other top rated cyclist of that era. Lance was just the top rated of the dopers. He did beat cancer though and his charity work can’t be taken away from him. For that he’s a winner.
    Williams girls are not clean either. No way. Common sense applies on this one. Wait till they stop competing and put the juice down. You will see a dramatic change in their physiques. But they will tell Oprah they are not lifting weights anymore, Oprah will smile, housewives will gush, and all will be well in the world.

  23. Strom

    To answer the question of the thread: It is never Serena without steroids.

    She should should have absolutely been tested early in her career and on a program that applied to all, so she could not scream “race” or threaten. It’s too late now but hopefully she retires. Her ghetto look and actions have not been a positive for the sport.

  24. Strumpet's Trumpet

    Serena is absolutely the poster look for steroid use…

    Strom, you are grotesque. Thank god you’ll never be in a position of authority or influence. Deeply stupid, permanently broken, I’d love to see you say those things in person to an adult. Coward, cretin, dummy, you are a troll.

  25. Dr G

    Serena looks like her father in a dress and a wig as attractive as a Naked Oprah

  26. Dr G

    Serena looks like her father if he wore a dress and a wig, about as attractive as a naked Oprah.

  27. Dr G

    Serena looks like a father if he wore a dress and a wig…as attractive as Oprah naked…

  28. libby

    strom…this is a gossip site,not a social commentary site…remember a while back you gave flack to other posters

    telling them this site is about gossip not the posters…take your own advice
    and stop making it all about you and your obsessions with black people bigotry

  29. libby

    strom…this is a gossip site,not a social commentary site…remember a while back you gave flack to other posters

    telling them this site is about gossip not the posters…take your own advice
    and stop making it all about you and your obsessions with black people bigotry

    Janet…come on and do something about this

  30. hello

    Did you want to look under serena’s skirt janet and strom like they did to the African runner. Always coming up with names and drug taking accusations because that is all you you can come up with to defame her name? She’s a gorilla, Steroid user, no, she’s a black female athlete that can win. You guys are jealous and good!! Lick her big gorilla ass and the ghetto skid marks, while she is holding the winning the cups and gold medals.

  31. hello

    If percent of black women have herpes it must mean 100% white women and men have herpes? Blacks didn’t come to america with diseases it was given to them by the slave masters raped them and when the u.s inoculated blacks.

  32. Strom

    “She” threatned to kill at least 1 judge and should have been suspended from the tour but they are afraid of her.

    Her “fashion” is much more litle the ghetto housewives style.

  33. Christine India

    She could crush a man to death with those enormous legs.

  34. Strom

    Lance may be just tired of all the BS.

    The Williams sisters are poster children of steroid use. The Association is afraid of them, as evidenced by allowing ghetto Serena to threaten judges with minor slaps on the hand. Her outbursts are typical of steroid users. Her “body type” is that of a large man and not a woman. Just as it was of the Eastern European athletes under communism who were major steroid junkies or men. Serena may be a man for all we know. Her “body type” means she can hit a tennis ball at the speed of a man which makes it unfair competition for other women. She and Venus have had numerous injuries typical of steroid users. They also have flaunted ghetto style in a sport that was known for wearing “whites” and had plenty of class.

    Send them both back to Compton and they will not be missed.

  35. Denise

    I’ve never read/heard one word or rumor about the Williams sisters and steroid use.

    The Lance Armstrong story is, in many respects, a sad one. How the mighty fall.

  36. Patrick

    Looks like Lance Armstrong did a pretty good job of fooling the world.
    It certainly wouldn’t apply in this case though.

  37. CoCo

    Steroids do not make you a winning tennis player. With or without steroids, one must train hard to get strong and play smart. There are a million body types out there and they all react differently to intense training. I suggest that you don’t make assumptions, based merely on the fact that someone does not look like every other woman you see walking around your local gym. She is an elite athlete and her body is about function…oh, and injuries are not peculiar to steroid users. All athletes must face overuse injuries; training is a constant balancing act.

  38. Patrick

    Strom is correct on this.

  39. Christine India

    As most know, the Williams sisters are Jehovah’s Witnesses…..NOT a good thing.

  40. Strom

    Serena is absolutely the poster look for steroid use…normal women, black or white dont look that way.

    They both quit many times for “injuries” or because they didnt like to train. The only sure way to know is by testing and I think the lesbians in the tennis association are afraid of them.

  41. carlos

    i dont think serena is the steroids prototype at all that’s unfair, why she was on steroids and not venus (doesnt make sense your sentence)… i mean… venus won 5 wimbledons without steroids (cause she’s skinier judging by the fitness wich is your poor judgement) why do u think serena was the one with steroids… have u seen samantha stosur arms lately???
    i’ve never heard anything even rumours about these two AMAZING athletes taking illegal substances to enhance their performances, i mean if you could point that to someone, you could pic a3 or 4 athletes who quit and cameback to tennis in some suspected ways… they never quit, have nothing to hide, GO GIRLS we love u on the tennis court …

  42. Strom

    Some posters seem in major denial. Do you disagree with the CDC report that 50% of BLACK women have herpes? Maybe you know better, maybe you don’t want to know.

  43. Strom

    The so called “What” seems confused. This is not about muscles. There is every indication the Williams girls are not just natural tennis players….they enhance their talent with steroids, just like Barry Bonds and others. The injuries all point to it as well as the build and her temper on court that is condoned instead of not tolerated.

    The FRENCH call the sisters “gorillas”. Test the “girls” regularly for steroids and you will either find them or see the Williams suddenly decide to retire.

  44. libby

    What?! janet does not regulate her site and people can post whatever racist (Strom)comments they want…

    posters have left comments to do something about it when it gets out of hand but janet does nothing.

    I am surprised strom diodn’t go on his usual herpes rant in this thread about a black woman…he did in every other one for sure

    Janet, way to show people you don’t give a crap.

  45. What?!

    I can’t believe the racist comments here.


    Steroids, just because the girl has muscles?

    WTF is wrong with you people?!? Did I stumble on a white supremacist site here?

  46. hello

    I agree with maise. Janet, blacks are the better athlete. They always have been. (Jimmy the Greek) Whites don’t want to deal with it, so they erase it for it to be no part history. Once it is erase blacks can’t go back to see their past achievements so the future achievers think they have no history.

  47. Strom

    There is no person more racist and ghetto than Serena. She is trying to improve her image but any real picture of her shows she has no class. She is successful because of steroids and the ability to block their testing. Women’s tennis is run by lesbians and they will do anything to keep negative publicity down, so let Serena go on her way and get by with the steroids.

    The French call her and Venus “gorillas” and this is a case of the French being correct. Hopefully she will get very little publicity as she does not deserve it.

  48. caitlin falls

    She and her sister have gone vegan and lost weight.

  49. baja

    (bigger is better?)

  50. Maisie

    Looks to me like she simply lost some weight. (Plus her natural hair is incredibly flattering!) And, Janet, while there has been conjecture that Serena has taken steroids in the past to enhance her performance, stating this without any proof is not only irresponsible, I’d say you’d be lucky if her lawyer doesn’t sue you for libel.