There are things about Woody Allen that we don’t like, but we DO love to see his movies. Even his worst films have something redeemable about them. Woody writes stimulating dialog – and he’s prolific. We thoroughly enjoyed his last two features “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” and “Whatever Works.” Above, he’s filming his untitled “Summer Project” in the UK with Naomi Watts. He’s very secretive but the plot is supposedly about London’s high society.
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Woody marrying his step daughter is a story everyone knows but his “closeness” to younger daughters is the story that should put him behind bars. This was a well told tale in Vanity Fair Magazine and deserves to be read to show the Woodster for the pervert he is.
Yeah, no thanks, I haven’t seen anything of his since Mia came out with the imformation that she cause him with his face in their YOUNG daughter’s crotch/lap. The girl was, I believe, around 4-5 at the time of the incident. The little blonde girl. It was around the same time he was screwing the then step daughter and Mia found nude pictures of the teen at Woody’s place on the mantle. I refuse to support this pervert any more than I support Michael Jackson and his molesting of little boys.
NOW he has adopted kids with his stepdaughter, wonder what he does to THEM? Does the old bastard know, have ANY idea how damaging that kind of crap is to a child?
Aint gonna work dear. Woody is OUT. I will NEVER see his stupid movies. I don’t care how brilliant he is this perve crossed a sacred line.
WHY is that old f**t not in jail. Also, his movies are nutty and meaningless as he is. Soon-Yi (spelling?) is obviously below average in IQ and just wants to be taken care of, or else she would be prepping french fries at McDonald’s. So sick.
I agree that Soon-Yi seems retarded. She has always come off that way and almost seems desperate somehow, like he controls her every breath. Has anybody ever even heard the thing speak? Has he let her out without her leash? At least now that she’s an adult, maybe he’s giving HERS a rest, but I have a huge feeling he’s reguarly poking unfun at his adopted daughters. Did he adopt any boys by the way? I don’t think so. Not with Soon-Yi.
Don’t like him..or his movies. He is another one that should be in jail for his outside activities.
I don’t believe he’s done a good movie in years…he used to be funny; but not anymore.
Reta – he adopted a son with Mia, as well as a daughter.
Yeah, that’s the daughter Mia caught him with, with his head buried in the 4 0r 5 year old’s crotch! Curly blonde headed girl. The boy won’t speak to him now at all and neither do the rest of the kids due to what he did to their fasmily. Nice going asshole!
Vicki Cristina Barcelona was an EXCELLENT film, very different from some of Woody’s previous works. I recommend it highly!
What issue of Vanity Fair profiled him? Anyone know or remember?
I couldn’t find the Vanity Fair article.
The closest thing I could find to him talking about it were these snippets from an issue of People from November 1, 2005 (controlling much, Woody?):,,1124968,00.html
“”If somebody told me when I was younger, ‘You’re going to wind up married to a girl 35 years younger than you and a Korean, not in show-business’ … I would have said ‘You’re completely crazy’,” Allen tells Vanity Fair magazine.
According to advance quotes from the interview, Allen also claims to have found no wisdom with aging. “I’ve gained no insight, no mellowing,” he says. “I would make the same mistakes again.”
Allen calls his relationship with Previn, now 35, “one of the fortuitous events, one of the great pieces of luck in my life” and something that has “a more paternal feeling to it.’ As he explains it, “Whenever there’s a disagreement, it’s never an adversarial thing. I don’t ever feel that I’m with a hostile or threatening person.” “
Woody Allen is one sick bastard. I don’t like him and all of these actors who have worked in his films since finding out about him banging his step-daughter should be ashamed for being in his films, am sure they don’t care as long as they can say they worked with “Woody Allen”, I guess what he did is ok by them.
The story about perverted Woody came out in November 1992 Vanity Fair, written by Tim Russert’s wife Maureen Orth. It tells all about Woody and Mia’s young daughter. Woody was obviously sporting wood every time he was around her. Long ago but perverts don’t change.
The Vanity Fair article is here
I refuse to watch his movies. I refuse to support this child molester in any way. He had taken nude vag and face pictures of his now wife when she was only twelve years old. Now he has those poor little adopted daughters to munch. He should not be allowed around children.