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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Tom Cruise is enjoying excellent reviews while promoting his new film Top Gun: Maverick around the world, and he must be feeling successful and happy. His testosterone fueled movie roles always make him look like a heroic figure. (Certainly the Scientologists love that) But what is his 15 year old daughter Suri (Tom’s only biological child) thinking when her father’s photos are all over the internet? Certainly her friends are impressed, but Suri rarely mentions her father and hasn’t seen him in 9 years. All because Suri and her mother Katie Holmes rejected Scientology. In their divorce, Tom got visitation rights but he doesn’t use them- imagine how thrilled Suri would be to attend her father’s movie premier… does she dream about it?

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Tom Cruise at Mexico premier

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  1. wowsers

    Allegedly Suri is not TC’s biological daughter. K.H. was supposedly newly pregnant from the previous boyfriend when TC selected her to be his next (contract) wife.

  2. Diva

    Suri is better off without him and his crazy made up science fiction religion.

  3. Bella

    Zero respect for Tom Cruise! Wouldn’t see one of his movies!

  4. emmy

    That dwarf is a POS, I never waste my money on his films

  5. Light Brigade

    Life’s most important job is being a parent, if you are blessed with children. All the accolades in the world about his acting can’t change the fact that he is a horrible person. You’d think he would have learned that when his own dad took off.

  6. Dan Dan

    If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that was photo of one of the brides at a lesbian wedding I recently attended.

  7. Miz Busybody

    The died hair, face lifts (and foot lifts)aren’t doing him much good. He is physically past his prime. Having said that, he does work hard at his movies and at promoting them. I think he said goodbye to his daughter when he took her to the secret castle apartment at Disney not long after the divorce.

  8. Sherry

    I wish people would stop paying into scientologist coffers