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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


If Kevin Hart would be a little more careful about who he stands next to in photos, it might not be so glaringly apparent that he is uncommonly short. But then, his challenging height is probably one of the reasons he’s funny. Kevin, who claims to be 5’4”, costars with 6’3” Will Ferrell in “Get Hard.” Will plays a prison-bound hedge fund manager who asks Kevin’s businessman character (who has never been in jail) to prepare him for life behind bars. A few descriptive terms tossed around are racist, homophobic, and raunchy. Sounds like Will and Kevin’s fans will be happy.

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Noblecascade

    I saw this movie Friday…laughed and laughed but it is raunchy humor. I saw weiner several times which shocked us since we saw NONE in 50 Shades! Had to go to a comedy to see some good old weiner! Go figure.

  2. veritas

    no way
    another stupid movie
    i have read ferrell treats his fans like crap anyway

  3. CoCo

    I really hate when people judge others for things that they are born with, like height or baldness or big feet or wide hips or broad shoulders or deformities…. People should be concerned with attitudes and how they handle their natural born assets and challenges. So not, “he is bald”, but “that is a stupid way to wear his limited hair”. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being short and he is doing nothing to make that a flaw. He dresses in well fitting clothes, so what it the problem?

  4. Strom

    Poor little imposter…no doubt finds Kevin, and Joe, and Mike, and Alexis, and Bill all very cute.

    Poor imposter, so jealous of Strom’s success.

  5. Strom

    That Kevin Hart is a cutie! Who cares about his height! Plenty of men, uh, women, who find him attractive!

  6. Michelle

    Why was Guilianna Rancic so viciously attacked for her comment on Fashion Police, yet everyone thinks this movie is going to be funny?

  7. Natalie

    Except Kevin Hart isn’t funny.

  8. susieserb

    I’m THERE!!!!

  9. mister baja

    see no evil…….hear no evil.