Donald Trump figured it would be IMPOSSIBLE to fill his shoes when he left his successful TV series to run for President. He was WRONG! SOMEBODY brilliant came up with the idea of hiring Arnold Schwarzenegger to host Celebrity Apprentice and he couldn’t be more perfect. Arnold is a successful businessman and politician. (and movie star!) He’s a stern taskmaster when it comes to doing a job RIGHT. And he’s an immigrant from Austria. Unlike Trump, Arnold doesn’t judge a woman only by her looks, or a man simply by how much money he has. Arnold likes to have FUN and we’re betting the show will be more entertaining than ever! (We wonder if Patrick Schwarzenegger will also be on the show) We can hardly wait to hear what Donald has to say about Arnold replacing him. Hmmm…
Photo Credit: AKM-GSI
He won’t have anything to say, he’ll be too busy running the country and firing dopier people.
Trump can easily be replaced by another scumbag
I can’t believe that Americans continue or have any interest in watching this rubbish on television.
so he can keep his trousers on this time.
Arnold doesn’t judge a woman only by her looks – So Right, he was porking Mildred – the mother of his son — in Arnold’s and Maria’s marital bed. How many poor friends does Arnold have? ZERO!!!!!!!
Perfect choice!