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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Texas born Lane Garrison, now 37, thought he had it MADE in Hollywood when he was cast as a regular on the Prison Break series in 2006. But after just one season, he was involved in a DUI and his passenger was killed. Ironically, he was convicted of vehicular manslaughter, served his time, and left prison in 2009. Life was grim for awhile and he struggled financially. But gradually he started to work again and has been cast in several films this year. He’s been filming in Alabama for a few months and he fell for a “down-home” local country girl. He just learned he’s about to become a father and he’s more than ready. Life goes on…

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. beachy

    He paid his dues. It is very sad that a life was lost, however. I hope he makes the most of his second chance.

  2. coffeeshop

    ……….he is home & jobless now.

  3. sheila

    He seems to be a slackjaw . Who is possibly interested in him?