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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We just heard that after THE SLAP, Will Smith WAS asked by the Academy to leave the ceremony and he REFUSED! Of course this makes Smith’s egotistical behavior look even WORSE, and hopefully the Academy will be more likely to punish him in some way. Just imagine what MIGHT have happened if security guards had INSISTED that Smith leave, and attempted to “walk” him out forcefully! Smith would struggle and Denzel Washington would probably have leapt into the fray to try and calm things down. Tuxedoes notwithstanding, other hot-headed actors would have jumped at the chance to defend whatever side they were on. It could have degenerated into quite a melee (although many viewers would have loved it) so give the Academy a break. It’s so nice to hear that after THE SLAP, Chris Rock’s standup tour tickets started selling like crazy – this will be quite profitable for him.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Patrick

    Not a good look.
    Sad and embarrassing for the play actors.
    This is why the Romans classed play actors lower than street scum.

  2. Gary

    The Academy needs to ask that the Oscar be returned. Then they can have the members vote on the remaining four actors for the Academy Award. That would certainly be punishment going down in the history books as the only actor to have to return the Oscar!

  3. ridiculous farce

    It’s so fake, total scam to get all the jab deaths off the tv. Bruce Willis has brain damage from the jab.

  4. Wilson

    Will Smith was on my most watched and admired list until this stunning act of unnecessary violence. Can’t un-see it. Sincerely hope there is a long-lasting backlash because this sickening act has viral repercussions.

    This is the next step in woke culture. It was, if we don’t like your opinion, we cancel you, ghost you. This takes it to the next level (and Will Smith has influence). With his act, it becomes: you say something we don’t like and we physically assault you and it’s fine with most people.

    I sincerely hope the Academy and the public will not condone this act (and his wife’s happy laughter after he assaulted Mr. Rock) and will send a strong message that violence in any form is not acceptable.

  5. Anonymous

    It would have been satisfying to have seen that smug and self-centered face dragged out of there.

  6. Shaniqua

    Everyone in my hood believe it’s staged to promote black on black violence by the predominately white oscar producers . They were hoping for an MTV style show. Next year they want to slime the winners .