We used to look forward to seeing Tom Hanks movies because they were as likeable as he seems to be in real life. But since the absurd and dull Da Vinci Code movies we’ve lost faith in Tom and expect the worst. Even though he has a small role, the worst is what we got tonight with “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.” It’s a pretentious movie about a self- centered boy whose father died in the Twin Towers and because he happens to be quite intelligent his obnoxious behavior is accepted. This meandering book should never have been made into a movie – it’s too long, it’s maudlin, and the characters are unlovable. Maybe we shouldn’t blame Tom for this mess, but maybe we should…

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  1. what was that POS movie he made with julia roberts? they both SUCK ass…..
    then again 98% of ALL movies made suck anyway….

  2. I agree Janet. He seemed to hit his zenith with Castaway and then slid hard. He is excellent in Ryan though and the Russian guy stuck in the airport movie is cute but everything else is pretty rough. The Christmas movie he did…that train cgi thing is disturbing.
    The Pacific production he did with Spielberg is mesmerising and gorgeous.
    I don’t understand why he did Da Vinci, or this film for this matter other than to pad his bank account for more production?

  3. Patrick, you forgot his wonderful work in Philadelphia and Forrest Gump (the actual movie not the knucklehead who posts here).

    Of course those were 2 original well made movies so I sugget that Tom simply wait for good material. Of course that means he may be waiting for a long time.

  4. I always love him but not necessarily the movies. Denise mentioned some wonderful movies that I enjoyed him in too (Along with Saving Private Ryan). I also adored him in The Man With One Red Shoe,Sleepless in Seattle, BIG, Bachlelor Party, Splash, The Green Mile (love love love that one) ….

    I don’t like him when paired with certain people like Julia Roberts. She is too domineering and it comes off as a bit masculine.

    He has a boyish cute quality that is attractive and I think I am guility of looking for that in all his movies.

  5. Blame Tom! He’s lost his acting touch and he’s probably lost the love of his craft. He has too much money and is just not hungry anymore. He is too busy living in the Tom Hanks Legend bubble to care about making good films.

    I agree, he was awful in The Davinci Code movie, but in is defense, the story is just too complex for film.

  6. Most of the stuff coming out of Hollyweird is nothing but crap now. That’s probably why-that and he can’t pick a good movie anyway.

  7. Watch his “Toddlers&Tiaras” on youtube..clever and hilarious.Lots of cameos.

  8. I loved the book — it was such an unexpected perspective on the tragedy (which my sister lived thru in Manhattan). Can’t wait to see the movie, no matter what. And I bet Tom Hanks just takes it to another level of excellence.

  9. Ah yes. Just another means of promoting the “official,” fictional narrative of what happened that day.

    In other words, propaganda.

    Most people seem to be waking up to this horseshit—meaning the desired audience is shrinking.

  10. Ditto chicago on the continued propoganda of 911. The goverment did it yall.

    speaking of horse shit, We are waking up to piece of shit sitting in the whitehouse everyday. The piece of shit just signed off on eleminating habes corpus to american citizens, wont get a trial and be sent away to g.cuba. No wonder they called dems nazis.

  11. I love his older movies, like the ones upthread and Apollo 13. When Hanks used to star in a movie, you didn’t think of him as Tom Hanks, he was so good at becoming his character. Most actors nowadays, can’t pull that off for some reason. Hanks was great in his day. I agree his recent stuff is drecky.

  12. LOL! once and awhile … a long while….u come up with a good one, oh strange one.

    “Denise is french for BEEYOTCH folks!”

  13. Some of Tom Hank’s movies are my all time favorites. I think scripts in general haven’t been good in a while. Don’t blame it on him.

  14. He’s a mean drunk. Pissed off Oprah when her show ended he was drunk as hell onstage.

    Then he was drunk with that Spanish weathergirl..just a drunk with a manufactured imagine.

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