#pattilabelle #janetcharlton
We were horrified all over again when it was announced that Patti LaBelle paid $100,000 to settle that lawsuit accusing her of verbally attacking a pregnant mother and child in the lobby of the New York apartment where LaBelle was living at the time. It’s a strange story – apparently Patti became enraged when she noted an 18 month old child playing in the lobby of her building. She yelled obscenities, shouted the f-word, called the mother the c-word, and drenched her with a bottle of water! The mother grabbed her crying daughter and accused Patti of scaring her, and Patti’s entourage had to hold her back from lunging at the pair and pulled her into a waiting car! The mother’s lawyer figured Patti settled because the jury would favor the little girl and said the money will be donated to a children’s cancer charity. We’d love to hear Patti’s side of this story.
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Call these ghetto cruisers out…Patti Labelle, Nicki M., Chimika Holesclaw, and all the rest.
Can anyone imagine what would have happened if a white person had acted in this way to a BLACK. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would still be marching and calling for reparations to all BLACKS. Yet, in this case the behavior of this arrogant looney was basically swept under the rug in return for $$$$.
Anyone wonder why the BLACK race is being passed like rockets by every other race in USA?
Where is the leader of the free world? Certainly not out in front. Leading from behind.
Great contributions to the thread from all of Pied Piper’s followers!
Patti is one wide load!
St. James
he’s right Strom, your having another episode, take your medication please
The aptly named “Junior” seems unable to contribute to any thread.
As mentioned:
No….Patty brings it on herself….it is not the “blame the BLACKS game….it is a fact.
Stop the enabling, call them out! Herman Caine tells the BLACKS to quit complaining and go to work.
50% of BLACK women have herpes, where are the rich BLACKS in this to help their race?
Where is Oprah and Hope & Change?
junior J
time to take your meds Strom !
still the same!
Can anyone imagine what would have happened if a white person had acted in this way to a BLACK. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would still be marching and calling for reparations to all BLACKS. Yet, in this case the behavior of this arrogant looney was basically swept under the rug in return for $$$$.
Anyone wonder why the BLACK race is being passed like rockets by every other race in USA?
No….Patty brings it on herself….it is not the “blame the BLACKS game….it is a fact.
Stop the enabling, call them out! Herman Caine tells the BLACKS to quit complaining and go to work.
50% of BLACK women have herpes, where are the rich BLACKS in this to help their race?
Where is Oprah and Hope & Change?
No….Patty brings it on herself….it is not the “blame the BLACKS game….it is a fact.
Stop the enabling, call them out!
50% of BLACK women have herpes, where are the rich BLACKS in this to help their race?
Where is Oprah and Hope & Change?
Stop the enabling, call them out!
She is one arrogant BLACK. When you look at her hair styles it looks like some dead animal is in there.
It’s really too bad that her arrogance wasn’t committed a few years ago in Mississippi where instead of a lawsuit she would have been subject to a proper public whipping. Maybe that would have changed her behavior!
Remake the point:
No….Patty brings it on herself….it is not the “blame the BLACKS game….it is a fact.
Stop the enabling, call them out!
50% of BLACK women have herpes, where are the rich BLACKS in this to help their race?
Poor Erika K can spout the drivel but is never there to assert where I am incorrect! Keep enabling all things BLACK Erika…
Hope & Change!
aint that the truth
Erika K
if you had even a single lucid point Strom, people might try to argue with you,
BUT … as your entire polemic is based on your delusions of race superiority, there’s nothing really to discount or discuss – it would much like talking to toilet at a gas station, and just about as interesting.
Ha Ha poor ST can drivel out the enablement but cant cite any case I am wrong.
Hope & Change!
Strumpet's Trumpet
Strom your hateful envy and and trailer park stupidity is showing again. Thank god most race hating droolers are just as dumb as you are. Hey Strom, cleanup in aisle three.
Good insight. She is a very arrogant BLACK. When you look at her hair styles it looks like some dead animal is in there.
It’s really too bad that her arrogance wasn’t committed a few years ago in Mississippi where instead of a lawsuit she would have been subject to a proper public whipping. Maybe that would have changed her behavior!
Years ago I worked the Black and White Ball in San Francisco. Patty was performing and I was able to watch her rehearse. She spent the entire rehearsal cursing and yelling at the back-up singers. At one point she even took a shoe off and threw it in their direction. I don’t recall if it made any contact. Anyhow, it seems Patty is just another one of those spoiled, ill-mannered stars who thinks everyone else is beneath them and undeserving of respect.
There will be some type of blame led to anything but her actual behavior. Her ass is so wide, which doesn’t show in this picture, that she could have any type of Aretha Franklin disease.
It’s really too bad that her arrogance wasn’t committed a few years ago in Mississippi where instead of a lawsuit she would have been subject to a proper public whipping. Maybe that would have changed her behavior!
She has diabetes and my guess is that it was a blood sugar problem. That said, even if true she has a reputation as a diva and needs to develop a bit of self control.
Now we know:
Where Whitney Houston got her basket lady wig….it’s on of Patti’s castoffs!
No….Patty brings it on herself….it is not the “blame the BLACKS game….it is a fact.
Stop the enabling, call them out!
50% of BLACK women have herpes, where are the rich BLACKS in this to help their race?
that is exactly why people never settle no matter how costly it is otherwise: people assume guilt if you settle.
Howard Stern said it best : DENY, DENY, DENY.
people want to believe the worst of others, particularly black people.
Me the insomniac
I watched patty stop her performance at an Essence Festival concert bc she watched a woman in the audience not react as Patty THOUGHT the woman should. When the lady stood up to acknowledge Patty’s insult, everyone saw the woman was wearing a back brace, if I recall. Patty felt like the cad she was. during the break, she gave the woman a beautiful bouquet of flowers that a loving fan had given Patty. in my mind, Patty fell to the lowest level of any artist. She showed me and others who she really is.
That self righteous behavior has been shown again and again across this country in various settings. I am glad someone has forced Patty to pay for her actions. I hope she has to pay others like the person at the L.A. Airport.
or being twisted in the other direction to please the Patti “enablers”.
She would not have “paid” had she not been totally guilty. Ask some local servers how she is with the “tips” = nada!
Or menopausal?
Or the woman exaggerated her claims for a payday?
Sometime settling is less expensive and less of a headache than going to trial, being found guilty and then having to pay out a settlement in addition to paying all those legal fees.
But I love how this incident is twisted inside out to justify those of you who have warped racial issues.
She has a good voice but is one WIDELOAD with mounds of makeup covering:
That’s going a bit far. Much better just to call her out and the lawsuit will get to her, if the money is ever paid out.
Hope & Change!
Never liked the biatch! Always thought she was overrated, and apparently she’s a cu** as well. I’m not the biggest kid person, but Jesus lady…get a fu**ing grip If I was that mother, and that coon yelled at my kid like that, and threw water at me…I would have called the KKK and had her lynched. Screw the courts!
Have no idea what Patti’s husband/partner might be involved in, or if she even has one. Maybe she thought said toddler was her man’s baby? Just throwing out ideas LOL
the usuall story.
Casonia has really gone off the deep end. As she did, which put her in prison.
I thought in prison you were not allowed to get on the internet.
Strom, Strom, Strom. You do have a problem with Blacks don’t you. I send you a smile, and total compassion for someone as unhappy and miserable as you. Poor sad racist delusional Strom. Not all blacks are the same, you would benefit from getting to know some spiritually aware, warm and caring Blacks (as you call them)
Ha she is one arrogant BLACK and doubts that she has a spare 100k around so the money is as likely to be paid as a BLACK is to leave a waitress a tip, Nada!
Nothing is as arrogant as a self important BLACK and Patti shows why. Good thing the photo was from the front because her caboose is as wide or wider than even Janet Jackson’s! And even darker!
Where are those video cameras when you need them? Don’t seem to take much to flip people off these days. Oh well, let’s hope the money is donated to the children’s charity regardless of what really happened.
FFS learn to spell and write coherent sentences , you moron.
Bottom line is she’s a diva and seriously needs to get over her sense of self- importance. She doesn’t even live in the building! The kid may have been an annoyance but LaBelle seriously needs to get over herself. Street person with an attitude!
jailed in Seattle C.S.L.
Wow some people are dragged into some real hard core crap and that really stinks but the money is going to research and save some one life…She did a good thing but it is some what unfair but Patti Labelle has money and it is not a big deal..Just think about the tax right off and she is rich but if it was some one poor..THEY WOULD BE UP SHIT CREEK WITHOUT A PADDLE BUT MRS LABELLE CAN MAKE THAT MONEY IN ONE NIGHT SINGER WITH HER BEAUTIFUL AND LOVELY VOICE THAT TAKES OVER THE ROOM AND REALLY FEELS THE AIR WITH HER INNER LOVELY VOICE..SO POWERFUL AND STRONG AND TENDER AND SHE IS OFTEN TELLING A STORY AND MAKES YOU FEEL SAFE AND SECURE AND PUTS YOUR MIND AT EASE BUT SHE IS VERY BEAUTIFUL AND SHE BEEN THROW SO MUCH AND SHE IS A QUEEN ON HER OWN RIGHT AND MANY PEOPLE LOVE HER FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD AND SHE IS WONDERFUL BUT TO SAY WORDS OF HURT…IS HUMAN AND SOME TIMES PEOPLE CAN PISS YOU OFF AND PUSH THE WRONG BUTTONS BUT THAT IS LIFE…Going throw all the games and stresss and tention and anger that life has to hold but being bad at times is just a fact of life but doing something good with it makes it wonderful to create balance in life and sometimes shit just happended and there is nothing anyone in this world can do about it. But Anger is Anger and getting mad at some one and calling them out of there name is something I would do in one single minute.
Now that’s a quality entertainer!?
Or just plain crazy?