How ANYONE could imagine that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry made a MISTAKE when they left the royal family and castles and moved to Los Angeles is a mystery. We happen to think that LA is the greatest city in the world for living. The climate is everything and the cultural, social, and just plain fun elements are abundant. We know how lucky we are to be here. Certainly staying at Tyler Perry’s mansion (above) is enjoyable for now, but the ex-royals are fervently hunting for something smaller and more manageable. We predict that – despite the paparazzi – they will be very happy here – and Archie will eventually be surfing with the best of them…
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
Thursday, May 7, 2020
To Natalie Pinkhams: Take some Lydia Pinkham’s tonic, then you’ll realize that you’re in a Moscow basement lying about others.
Never said bye or thanks for giving us space to the people of Victoria. Just gone.
This is click bait.
Natalie Pinkhams
Becca is a Russian computer hacker apparently
To Beachy: So what if nobody ever heard of her before. That has nothing to do with the unbridled hatred of her.
The only other explanation is that it comes from insanely jealous women who had the bizarre idea that they were going to be Harry’s wife.
To Becca,
No one ever heard of the wench before Harry. She’s a nobody and will return to that after Harry bolts.
Racist? That tired old excuse is the epitome of stupid. Try again.
The hatred for them, especially her can be explained in one word: Racism!
Miz Busybody
Tabloids created the hate and unfortunately people are buying it. Look at their first year of married life. They did more than work shy Will and Kate did in their first three years of married life. Will and Kate were afforded years of privacy and very part-time work but Harry and Meghan started being full-time royals from the start. Best wishes to them.
Man, she never stops. We need our privacy. Oh we are staying at Tyler’s house. Oh we need privacy. Here is me reading to my baby. I really didn’t have a problem with that. But then we get HEY HEY HEY I forgot to say OPRAH BOUGHT HIS BOOK. It’s the little things with her that grate and show colors.
I agree with everyone who has commented. Please don’t do them the favor of giving them publicity. They treated the Royal Family like dirt and tried to capitalize on their positions. Shame on them.
As superficial as LA is, yes these two will fit in nicely.
Natalie Pinkhams
How dreadfully American. Harry can not possibly have any Windsor blood in his veins.
Self-centered, entitled elitists raising a child. Hmmm, I wonder how Archie will turn out?
Very strange
Janet why do you admire an arrogant entitled z list actress/Yacht girl who flipped off a 94 year old woman and her sister in law who were nothing but nice to her? I don’t get your fascination with this woman.
These people aren’t interesting: no unique talents or skills, not inner circle royalty, not newsworthy.
You can find more interesting people than this Janet!
Screw those two. Nothing more disgusting than these two dopes trying to get good press. Wonder how that fits into the money Prince Charles pays to support these two idiots.
Quit writing about these two. They contribute NOTHING to society.