This morning they taped the finale of Rockstar Supernova and just as this site predicted, LUKAS is the winner! We’re doing our victory dance! We thank all the supportive readers who never doubted we were right. Now aren’t all you readers who vociferously scoffed at us a bit ashamed? Especially Dave Navarro, who insisted we were just guessing and attempted to belittle this site by saying we were “no Perez Hilton.” We may not be Perez, but YOU Dave, are no Tommy Lee either! Sorry to rub it in, but we were 100% RIGHT, Dave, when we named the winner back on August 27. We realize CBS is not happy about the leak that the winner was actually chosen quite awhile back, and it may raise questions about how fair the contest really was. But that’s YOUR problem. We’re just here to inform our readers!
You were late to the punch. I knew Lucas was going to win on the second show.
Don’t be fooled by the fact that NOW AND THEN Janet is wrong. Don’t be fool enough to think that everything she says is BS because she got one wrong. She is RIGHT more often than NOT. Creeps me the hell out to be honest.
Janet, I’ve known you for YEARS (via my TV), and you’ve blown my mind with the scoops you get! One that sticks out in my mind was you knowing Madonna’s first child’s name, and Madonna was barely even SHOWING!
I never doubted you for a minute, and the people that are reacting negatively are just ticked that you REALLY get the scoop!
I’m just glad I’m not famous, so you won’t come after ME! 😀
My guess is that janet made an easy assumption, and my guess at that is as good as hers with lukas.
Lukas = MORON…enuff said Bi-atch!
You nailed it Janet!
We have Waaay more freaky, gay, bench sleeping street scum up here.
You can have aaalll you want! LOL!!
lukas = rockstar…enuff said bitches
ANYONE but Lukas Rossi
Lukas is BORING. His dance around the stage looks like a scarecrow on crack and his over painted eyes and glitter lips I haven’t seen the like of on a man since Boy George for God’s sake.
Supernova you made a WAY wrong decision and you’ll be regretting it VERY soon when ticket sales drop or start getting returned. WTF were you thinking? My guess is that you weren’t at all.
ANYONE but Lukas Rossi
Lukas is BORING. His dance around the stage looks like a scarecrow on crack and his over painted eyes and glitter lips I haven’t seen the like of on a man since Boy George for God’s sake.
Supernova you made a WAY wrong decision and you’ll be regretting it VERY soon when ticket sales drop or start getting returned. WTF were you thinking? My guess is that you weren’t at all.
The Devils Advocate
well.. its better LUKAS than DILANA i hate her voice… its like a Grandma with an overpeirced body =D what is kewl bout LUKAS, the style… and the high pitch s h i t!!! and thats kewl!!! peace ppol!!!
Man, you know who shit in the chili……
And Debbie was right on, the show was a scam and I fell for it. Ryan Star and Toby were the best!!!
What I found odd was the Survivor promo that ran about 8:30pm, give or take, that used Lukas’s song “Headspin” as well as pics of him. Then at the end of the show, another promo for Survivor but without the Lukas stuff. I think somebody screwed up and mixed up the promos. I honestly didn’t think the show was fixed, however, when I saw that promo mix up, I was like…no way….Lukas is gonna win…the rumor was true! Wonder if someone’s gonna get fired for that promo oops.
No Fan of "Reality" TV
Lucas who? Superwhat? That’s what everyone will be saying a year from now…..just like last year. I did not purchase or download a single INXS song after that show, but I did buy Marty’s music. I will buy Dilana’s and Toby’s and maybe even Magni’s but if I wanted to hear frogs croak (Lucas), all I have to do is sit on my front porch..and it’s free!
So he didn’t win on talent, not much reason to celebrate. Guess that just saved me the $100 for the ticket I won’t be buying now. I’ll save it for when Dilana comes out with her own CD and tour!
Thank God It Wasn't Toby!
Lukas deserved it! I would have puked if I heard Toby’s oh, oh, oh song one more time! Dilana was good until she spiraled out of control and while Magni was cool and a great singer, he was too ordinary.
Lukas Rossi Fan
To be honest, most people I know voted for Lukas and we feel it was an honest win. He was the clear winner from day one and the others, while talented enough – were just posers or regular rockers – not rock stars.
This really suck. I wont be buying any tickets. Lukas sucks, I thought he was one of the worst of the 4. I bet the votes were rigged as well. What a waste of my time.
Janet, Dave is sorry he just can’t tell you. But, since when do gay men admit they are worng. Oh, I know when they divorce thier beards 3 times.
This is Tommy Lee and I’m afraid it’s all true. The comments above posted by Anonymous are all fucking true…unlike Janet Charlton.
By the way the above prediction is not a guess like what this site was based on.
I heard that Dave and Tommy are on their way to Janet Charlton’s house to gang bang Janet Charlton. I hope you like bukkake Janet Charlton.
I once heard that Janet Charlton was hired to extract the sperm from bulls. Just so you all know Janet Charlton does not have any arms.
I think janet charlton is a stupid bitch and should shut the hell up and stop trying to gain publicity by prying into celebrities lives
Your Brother
Janet Charlton is my sister and this is all bullshit. Her guesses are as good as the blowjobs she gives out on street corners. Too bad you’re still a bitch!
I hate supernova but I love this site. I was going to stop visiting it after you were wrong about jt and diaz but now that you are right about this I am so happy.
It looks like about 95% of people here are all in agreement about 1 thing: LUKAS SOUNDS LIKE SHIT! What a queen! I would have never imagined the likes of T Lee, Big J, and Gil to have a queen sing for them. That’s just it–HE CAN’T SING! I would rather listen to Britney freakin’ Spears!!!
A pattern? sure, we need to get poor canadian musicians off the street before they start robbing people. only conclusion i can draw from lukas getting picked.
Last year Rock Star was tipped off by the fact that an associate producer or something like that had the last name of Fortune. The winner was a homeless, Canadian, cretin, with the the last name of Fortune. Coincidence?
Now we learn that another homeless, Canadian, cretin is the winner, weeks before the show. Anyone seeing a pattern developing here?
I was prepared to listen to this music…on one condition..and that was Lukas was not chosen. supernova (if that is their final name) chose wrong, big time.
Big ol poser is he…i change my mind, he fits in well.
SO dissapointed. I wont buy anything this band does and I sure as heck wont watch another epside of Rock Star, no matter what the band. Lukas was the absolute worst choice they could have made- he is a talentless hack and sings like crap. You can tell he is a big ol poser.
Good scoop Janet- tho I wish u had been wrong.
Yeah Janet….. So glad you were right. You needed this after the cameron diaz fiasco. I’m happy for you.
Dave Navarro is a big liar for a midget
insane jane
the voting was super hard for me, as i have dyslexia!!!that sucks!!they deserve the spastic dwarf!!
insane jane
the voting was super hard for me, as i have dyslexia!!!that sucks!!they deserve the spastic dwarf!!
insane jane
the voting was super hard for me, as i have dyslexia!!!that sucks!!they deserve the spastic dwarf!!
insane jane
the voting was super hard for me, as i have dyslexia!!!that sucks!!they deserve the spastic dwarf!!
I feel sooo cheated!!
At least the government tells the truth.
Rock suffers when you post what you do. We finally had a place to enjoy music on a mainstream stage and you will for sure ruin that now. Whether it was decided from day one (Rebel YEll) or later on (Bittersweet Symphony), he is a great performer and deserves the win. Did I mention we love Dave!!!!
Shame on you. We love you Dave. Anyone knew he would win because he is so talented and unique and its Tommy’s expressions all along that gave that away. You are not a very class act in my book. You make money off of hurting others. Shame on you. Dave Navarro rocks!
Jill Barry
Who shit in the chili?????
Sonny Lloyd
Good to have you in the dealership, Sureyya.
scratch scratch
My friend Sureyya still doesn’t believe me. I guess she will wait till the show airs.
Are Van Halen gonna try to do a rock star show before Eddie dies of Cancer?
Hills of Beans
You go Janet. I never doubted you one bit. It’s too bad because nobody really gives a shit about this show and we will hear next month that it has been cancelled. I probably wouldn’t even download a song from Supernova (ooops, they can’t even call themselves that anymore) for free.
Thanks Janet for exposing the sham they are pulling. Having people vote for nothing!!
Thanks Janet for exposing the sham they are pulling. Having people vote for nothing!!
Nothing better to do? You gossip people make me sick!
why did you spoil it for everyone?
Good guess! Wasn’t hard, eh?