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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


UK singer FKA Twigs showed remarkable courage when she filed her lawsuit accusing her ex-boyfriend Shia LaBeouf of sexual battery and assault. She documented in detail numerous violent and controlling situations he inflicted upon her when they were together. Keep in mind, HE is the more famous and powerful person in this relationship. Another of his ex-girlfriends joined Twigs in the lawsuit with similar charges. FKA Twigs stated that she wants other women to understand that this can happen to anyone, and she wants to raise awareness about the tactics that abusers use to control their victims. When confronted with the charges, LaBeouf admitted almost everything “I have no excuses for my alcoholism or aggression,” he said “I abused myself and everyone around me, and I’m ashamed and sorry about those I hurt.” And this guy has had a long string of girlfriends! We celebrate FKA Twigs for her bravery – she has little to gain from this purposeful but embarrassing lawsuit, and will probably be taunted online by LaBeouf’s fans.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. Strom

    Stupid name and lack of talent, ghetto in looks, delusional in self importance……FKA go away!

  2. Patrick

    Shia needs to be a little more careful.
    Good actor.

  3. Jay

    NO, the admirable thing to do would have been to go to the police and file charges to stop this long term violent abusive sexual predator. Instead, she is going for the attention and pay out. She has a long problematic history and is a careerist with little to no talent hence the long line of creepy well know wealthy white men she has hooked up with. She routinely promotes “sex work” as a good thing and a choice (which it is not and preys/uses poor women/children). She can’t sing and like so many others is little more than a glorified stripper and with this move she continues to $how her true colors.

  4. Shia is so gross

    What was the attraction? He’s horribly unpleasant, unattractive and allegedly does not understand the concept of soap. I can’t imagine how low her self esteem must be to accept this. she’s pretty enough to do better.