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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


In fact, Vogue should DEFEND this photo of Kendall Jenner to the ends of the earth! Since WHEN is a white model not allowed to have curly hair? Exactly WHO is accusing the magazine of “cultural appropriation” – which in itself is an ABSURD notion. Everyone knows that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and being inspired by other cultures BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER. These online trolls look for something to complain about, love to stir up trouble just for fun, and should be IGNORED! Vogue – stand up for yourself – you did NOTHING wrong, and shame, shame, shame on the press for making this an issue and giving those ethically challenged trolls publicity!

PS Lets drop “cultural appropriation” from our vocabulary immediately! Cultural exchange is a GOOD thing.

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  1. susieserb

    What Huge Johnson said..Janet can you not see the hypocrisy you spread everyday yourself. PC is a deadly disease orchestrated to divide and conquer America..It ALMOST WORKED>

  2. Kait


  3. becca

    I actually agree with Janet for once.
    There’s no such thing as cultural appropriation!
    Because every culture in history has taken from every other culture!
    For example:
    Christmas was a minor holiday until Prince Albert brought the German tradition of decorating pine trees to Britain. Then Dickens made a huge thing about it with “A Christmas Carol”. Dickens became known as the “Man who invented Christmas”!

  4. Julia

    Every day Seacrest reaches a new low

  5. cleo

    why should they……..THIS IS THE FUTURE WE LIVE IN!!

  6. Hugh Johnson

    Gotta love the politically correct leftist out there eating their own. Remember folks, vote Republican. The left, democrats, socialists and communists all aim to destroy the US of A from within. Stop them by not voting for these PC losers.