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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


It’s time for Vanessa Paradis to get a grip. Those gap teeth are not doing her any favors. After a certain age, gap teeth can look more “homeless” than cute. Surely Vanessa has noticed that when she appears in Chanel ads, she is never asked to smile! Vanessa’s gap is much wider than Madonna’s and Madonna stopped smiling YEARS AGO! (Check her Instagram!) Hopefully cosmetic dentistry is on Vanessa’s to-do list by NOW…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Vanessa at Cannes

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  1. Diva

    Those are meth teeth

  2. Kait

    She is French, and Europeans have far more natural teeth than do Americans. Her gap is her “look,” so leave her alone.

  3. Parsley

    I really don’t get a homeless vibe looking at this picture. Sure she’s older than she was 20 years ago but her teeth really don’t detract from her looks any more now than they did then. Another thing- I was never under the impression Paradis went by strict convention anyway so it wouldn’t surprise me if she doesn’t care. Not all celebrities embrace HW standard of perfection and I’m fine with it.

  4. Jojogogo

    Bully much, Janet? What is it to you that she has a gap in her teeth.

  5. laina

    She looks like Spongebob! Madonna can’t smile because her face has been stretched into oblivian!

  6. Light Brigade

    The homeless drug-addicted look is so yesterday.

  7. Jane

    nonsense of course.. no need…

  8. Carolina

    You can see the years of drug abuse and depravity on her face