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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Nick Lachey has settled comfortably into married life and he has the love handles to show for it. Just weeks after marrying Vanessa Minnillo, Nick confided to a friend that he’s gone up a pant size. A friend observed “Nick started eating at their wedding reception and he hasn’t stopped yet. He’s happy with Vanessa and suddenly isn’t so motivated to go to the gym.”

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  1. E

    He looks good like that too.

  2. Nina

    Very cute couple. I hope they have a wonderful, happy life together. He escaped Joe Simpson with his life, so he’s already ahead of the game.

  3. pippa martins-st. onge

    Wait until Nick gets roid rage, look out desperate wife

  4. Muffin

    I’m glad Nick is happy, he SO deserves it after being used and abused by JS and her father.

    Vanessa seems to really love Nick for Nick. All the best to both of them!!

  5. Denise

    Handsome guy. I don’t see him expanding ala Kevin Federline. He’s hosting that singing show which should be enough of an incentive for him to stay in shape.

  6. Ava

    Attractive couple. I’m not sure what either of them do now. Lachey use to be a decent singer.


    Nick Lachey Quote

    “I kind of like headstrong women. I like to deal with a little adversity and have a struggle every now and then.”

  7. forrest gump


  8. Indy aka Christine India

    Vanessa is a lioness and was always determined to get her man. When they broke up once or twice, the Enquirer and Star had double XX rated pics of her partying down. She is a party girl and he is a stay-at-home (his own words). Things are OK now, but wait ’til later when he wants to stay home and eat home cooked meals and she wants to hit the night clubs. I think she will win out, it’s obvious already she’s the boss.

  9. dimes

    Who are these people again?