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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#tyrabanks #janetcharlton

We’ve been increasingly suspicious about Tyra Banks’ claims that she recently graduated from Harvard Business School. Since she never got a bachelor’s degree from any college, how did she get into Harvard to pursue an MBA? Turns out, she didn’t. Jezebel exposed her exaggeration. Actually Tyra didn’t get a diploma- she got a certificate of completion for finishing a nine week non-degree EXTENSION business course which has NO requirements for formal education and does not count toward any type of degree. An MBA takes qualification and two years of studying. Tyra IS smart, but she didn’t graduate from Harvard.

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  1. E

    @Reta, I completely agree with you about Tyra and her insane ego and bad choices!

    I finally pulled away from ANTM when she got rid of the last good things about the show (if she wanted to get rid of what was driving audiences away, she needed to look in the mirror. Delusional, and seriously seems to need medication — or is already on some she shouldn’t be?)

  2. Strom

    Better get checked out quick then because the CDC says 50% of BLACK females have herpes…simple as that.

    Venus or Serena?

    Oprah or Gayle?

    Tyra or Evelyn?

  3. Strom

    Better get checked out then because the CDC says 50% of BLACK females have herpes…simple as that.

    Venus or Serena?

    Oprah or Gayle?

    Tyra or Evelyn?

  4. Black

    You frickin liars. Whites carry far more herpes viruses than blacks. I always see more cold sores on and around the mouths of whites.

  5. Black

    You frickin liars. Whites carry far more herpes viruses than blacks. I always see more cold sores on the around the mouths of whites.

  6. Strom

    Poor Nadia, it’s still not about posters but she seems unable to see further into words and deeds than what is in front of her nose.

    Everyone is happy that Tyra received some education, especially, if she really attended classes and learned something. The point is that with 1 out of 2 people of their race/gender infected with a sexually transmitted disease that is totally preventable, they should use their riches, not to promote their brainpower (not likely) but in helping humanity, which would actually make any of them famous forever.

    It may be difficult for you to see this because it is not the PC answer. Please seek counseling right away, you might be able to be helped.

    The HATE drivel should be saved for those who are spreaders of the disease.

    Tyra = maybe – Oprah = ? – Evelyn = likely – Serena = male – Gayle = ?

  7. Wonder Bread

    I am NOT one to agree with Strom and am in agreement with S. Trumpet, but, in this case he is correct on the CDC figures for herpes in African American women. Although, it seems just another excuse to tie his strange rants to a gossip item.

  8. Strumpet's Trumpet


    Strom’s entire raison d’etre is hatred, so, he can’t be helped, he’s lost too many pieces, he’s become land fill and broken like a three wheeled truck.

    Uneducated, unemployed, pathologically insecure and clearly sub-literate. He’s probably never had a job, a longterm relationship or held a position of any merit. It shows in every one of his posts, he just oozes resentment and base stupidity.

    In 1940’s Austria, he’d be a budding brown shirt …

  9. Nadia

    Strom – what is wrong with you? The article is about her getting a certificate at Harvard and somehow it relates to Herpes in African Americans??? Get help! Seek therapy! Everyone can be helped.

  10. Strom

    Poor Nadia….please point out anything inaccurate. Who cares if you are black or white. It’s not about posters!

    Tyra, Oprah, Evelyn, Serena, & Gayle would do better to get medical degree’s and use their fortunes to help elminate the sourge of herpes that infects 50% of BLACK women.

    Tyra = maybe – Oprah = ? – Evelyn = likely – Serena = male – Gayle = ?

  11. Nadia

    I would like to know when Strom will be banned from posting on this site? When will you take his IP and not allow him to post? It’s ridiculous. All he does is incite hate. Strom you are a moron. Plain and simple. You have no common sense, clearly lack any sense of morality, have absolutely no intelligence whatsoever… and the list goes on and on. Seriously – get a life, a job, get out of your trailer and try understanding that people – whatever colour they are – are HUMAN just like you. And this is coming from a WHITE person, loser.

  12. Reta

    I used to watch her model show but became more turned off with each season by her me me me attitude! She always wanted the spotlight to be on her instead of the competitors. Then she went and fired two loyal employees that helped MAKE the show and were entertaining, unlike HER, and that was that. A person can only take so much torture. I wonder how it can even still be on the air???? Who’s watching her giant forehead in every shot now???

  13. Strumpet's Trumpet

    “Strom has attended university since Tyra! “= unintelligible drivel, the sentence means nothing dummy !!!! jesus ….

    it’s ‘bizness as usual’ really, from our drooling, trailer bound, delusional Strom.

  14. Anon1

    Haha! I know a few people that do this, bragging about these stupid courses at Harvard acting like they’re getting a real degree lol precious

  15. Christine India

    She is a devious woman and would do anything to keep her name in the spotlight. The degree is laughable. Anyone can get a fake certificate of anything over the internet if you have $50-$100. I know someone who got a fake diploma and landed a $52,000 per year job. The employer didn’t verify it. lol

    PS: Does she even have her GED yet? lol

  16. Strom

    Hahahah no way is she nice or have her shit together. She is a typical arrogant BLACK with a little fame and a little money.

    50% = herpes infected

  17. jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    I Really like her personal person of kindness and niceness but really strong point of view in life but what ever she does is something that gives her joy but some times in life people love to make themselves look better then they do but adlease she did something and she made the time to do something and adlease she spent the time trying to get things in order to learn something and I like her and really think she is pretty and smart and nice and kind and I think what she has to say makes a big difference in this world but she is rich and has her shit together and knows how to stay on top of things and handle her business and for that alone she gets a A+ From me!

  18. Strom

    Strom has attended university since Tyra!

    Tyra, Oprah, Evelyn, Serena, & Gayle would do better to get medical degree’s and use their fortunes to help elminate the sourge of herpes that infects 50% of BLACK women.

    Tyra = maybe – Oprah = ? – Evelyn = likely – Serena = male – Gayle = ?

  19. Strumpet's Trumpet

    hey Strom, maybe you could tell us all about your post grad degree ?

  20. Strom

    MBA’s and the holders of MBA’s are the most overrated and overpaid people in the USA. Most couldn’t run a lemonade stand.

    Tyra would do better to get a medical degree and use her fortune to help elminate the sourge of herpes that infects 50% of BLACK women. Tyra = maybe.

  21. Diva

    A certificate is cute, but no MBA.
    It will probably help her run her business.

  22. Noblecascade

    I wondered about that when I read about it. Good reporting, Janet.

  23. pinkandyellowroses

    How embarrassing

  24. Bluejay

    It must have been a rigorous course of work, and required commitment and dedication. Good for Tyra.

  25. baja

    dumb………………….And Dumber.

  26. Jojo

    I was wondering about that when read it as “everybody knows” Harvard only has full time grad school and Tyra is too busy for “that” kind of commitment. AND how can you go to grad school without an undergrad degree?

  27. yoyo

    MBA Could stand for: Major Bad Attitude as like PHD – Pool Hall Diploma.

    Hey, some people have formal education while others have worldly knowledge but the best lesson taught is common sense.

  28. Nah...

    Strom well said.

  29. Strom

    If she actually attended class for 9-weeks I say good for her. Would be interesting to see the record. Not a MBA for certain but education is a good thing no matter, especially for a ghetto mouth like this. Hopefully it is not part of a REALITY SHOW. Next will be the Kardashians at Oxford.

  30. Sari

    Bwa hahahaha!