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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD



SOME models look every bit as good without makeup as they do with it. That doesn’t appear to be the case with Tyra Banks, pictured here dressed casually, leaving a gas station. We never realized what a small head she has! Without extensions or lip gloss she’s still pretty – just not the knockout she is on America’s Next Top Model. Most celebrities have “The Lollipop Syndrome” – large heads and skinny bodies, but Tyra is just the opposite, and she’s still a show business success!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Ancient Chinese Doctor

    Theory proven correct. Mr. Strom not understand comment.
    Mr. Strom brain smaller than insect brain.

  2. Heel Napper

    Bill is Strom

  3. just a vet from Fort Mead

    1% of nothing Strom

  4. Bill

    Where’s a photo of her mother? Oprah a BIG celebrity and so is Tyra. So blame it on those sweat pants – the easy fittin kind. As imagine her wearing some of those leather black short hot pants that the small butt Russian girls wear up in Chicago… And you know, how eatin all that BBQ and Hotdogs are cheap eats… But, come with a hidden costs as in future increase in pant siIng. Nothing is free in America – course what is in the city water in Chicago? Besides everything everybody flushes down the toilet. Bleach can only get out so much. I learned about Chicago McDonalds stores – avoid them unless you like excessive amounts of lard.

  5. Hilary

    I think she looks beautiful! Much much flattering than those Lollipop women. 🙂

  6. Strom

    Poor bitter Jennie J. Home early from the lesbian focus group and handholding session and full of spite and jealousy at the 1%!

  7. Strom

    Poor jennie j, so worried about Strom; so jealous of Strom.

  8. jennie j

    Strom is impervious to the obvious – the fact that he’s a big, clumsy liar, a near total fraud, just another oily, dull witted racist and homo-phobe, financially destitute , he’ likely living off the state, intellectually insecure and pyscholgically broken, Strom’s real tiny, a sub-literate small dicked, basement dwelling double wide renting boyfriend to a latex blowup doll, who’s all sticky and full of holes, … but she’s his only remaining friend, now that the cable has ben cut off. just go away d*ckhead

  9. Ancient Chinese Doctor

    Size of head not matter to size of brain. Some insects highly intelligent. Some humans, not so much. See example of Mr. Strom.

  10. Strom

    Very Poor Amy!

    Tyra’s very heavy thighs would not be an impediment to any BLACK man who prefers a hippo ass and a very small brain on his women.

  11. Bluejay

    Giada DeLaurentis for the big head, tiny body award. Gorgeous nevertheless.

  12. Strom

    Is she a hare lip!

  13. MissEva

    This woman is far too heavy. She’s even got cellulite on her upper arms! I’d hate to see the backs of those thighs!

  14. Amy

    Strom you are a repetitive nattering idiot. Yeah I see a pattern…in the daily crap you post each day.

  15. JimJam

    Whatever she’s going to be … a top model isn’t going to be one of them.

  16. Strom

    Sure,,,Erica rolled out of the bagel shop to add absolutely nothing to the thread.

    See Larry King and Fred $$$ Goldmann?

  17. erica

    well Janet, yet another lazy, witless post and all the attendant slurs from your puerile, racist readers. you must be proud …

  18. Strom

    Maybe Serana Williams too, Amy?

  19. Strom

    Poor Amy..ready to enable the very knarly and racist Tyra. Who is next: Patti Labelle? Diana Ross? See a pattern?

  20. Amy

    Do you have ANY gossip scoops on Tyra or for that matter on anyone in Hollywood Janet? You fill your column with observations on how celebs look when we can all see for ourselves. Much like that unflattering picture of yours on this web page.

  21. Strom

    Does she have herpes?

  22. xyz

    She looks OK, whats all this fuss about?

  23. avila

    I thought that Tyra Banks was going to stop processing her hair and wearing wigs. She’s just a liar.

  24. anonTWO

    her weight fluctuates, she looks better with less weight on.

  25. mister baja

    no, an adult doll.

  26. Gemma St. Ivens

    More fat shaming of Women by Janet, now she is picking on African Americans.

  27. Diva

    Janet is a biotch. BTW bright yellow hair is out.

  28. Strom

    Very knarly. Tyra, like J Lo is an extremely plain looking woman without makeup and wigs.