Drum roll, please! It’s time for the first annual JCH Hot Air Awards for celebrity magazines. This year, Life & Style is the big winner for the FAKEST headlines of the year. While it IS gossip, and everyone gets it wrong SOMETIMES, Life & Style gets it wrong week after week! For example:
Brad Wants Jen Back,
Brad’s Talking Split,
Angie’s Worried She’s Losing Brad,
Jen and Brad’s Secret Meeting!
Apparently, Life & Style is convinced Angie and Brad are splitting and Brad’s going back to Jen. Hey, it’s NOT happening! Angelina and Brad are perfectly happy, and Jen and Brad DO NOT SPEAK! And surprise, surprise, Angelina and Jen have NO desire to communicate either. Need we say more?
I would rather give $1.99 to a homeless person before I bought that poor excuse for a magazine. Who edits it? My guess is an idiot.
They should change their name to LIES & STYLE. Very good call, Janet.
Bravo Miss Janet for finally calling it like it is. L&S sucks.
US magazine also called them on this. It’s hysterical. Life and Style is a joke.
US WEEKLY is a pile of unreliable SH**. We all know it. That is why they their moronic spokespersona are all running around on E! and VH1 and any other crap-paying cable network that wants cheap talent. The good news is: as long as these ILLEGIT RAGS continue to print, the more we can rely on long time credible sources.
People may make fun of gossip reporters over 40, but the trick is that time will tell who’s legit and who isn’t. Janet, Cindy Adams, Liz Smith, Michael Musto, MiKe Walker, Nelson Aspin, Jeanette Walls, Rex Reed, etc etc…that’s who you can trust!
Life & Style is worse than the National Enquirer
I stopped buying Life & style when they started all of these fake Brad and Jen stories. The lamest magazine out there.
I read People, US and In Touch. The rest are crap and Star and Life and style are by far the fakest. Pure fiction.
Life and Style obviously are selling magazines, or they wouldn’t keep printing the same (false) story.
Life & Style figures one day it will happen. Then they can claim they had the “scoop” all along!
all of those tabloids including us weekly are horribly stupid.
the idiots who work at the tabloids routinely “borrow” items that were covered in minute detail in gossip blogs.
these are people who only got their jobs because they are knew someone- they could never get a job based on their own talent- they have no talent!
They rank about the same as Weekly World News and their batboy scoop!
L & S is comedy, not gossip!
Out of the List of columnists –Who’s Mike Walker??
Rex Reed??? Is he still working? Really? He’s not in jail for shoplifting something?
Michael Musto is hilarious! Nelson AspEn does great celeb interviews and is funny too, which I like.
Life & Style is by the a big piece of crap.
I don’t buy any of these crappy celeb scandal rags.
I go to a couple of good web sites, including this one.
Life and Style is all lies. Their sister magazine intouch is better. I also love us
Isn’t it funny how the brangelina fans are probably reading this & breathing a sigh of relief, believing Janet Charlton now coz she’s sayin all is well in brangelina land but if she wrote they were breaking up tomorrow, they’d be callin her a fraud who doesnt know diddly squat.
I don’t like Brad and ANgelina but I do not belive Life and Style. Every other magazine knows that Brad and Jen don’t talk. It really is comedy in that magazine.
L & S is a waste of paper. They have no news or gossip and t heir fashion tips look like they came from the local walmart
Janet, have Brangelina’s pr people put you up to this?
Janet has good gossip unlike life and style which is all fake snd stupid.
Hats off to Janet and MICHAEL MUSTO!!
Hats off to Janet and MICHAEL MUSTO!!
Bottom line, Life & Style is all LIES.
This is hilarious, Janet!
ive heard one blog say that the old queen, the national enquirer actually breaks a lot of the juicy stories. i think that us magazine is kinda slimy..
.one of the head editors there is in jail for trying to lure some underage girls to do the nasty with him. he got caught by investigators posing as young girls.
i am not a fan of brangelina, they are as full of bullcrap as life and style…but i cant help but think that somehow their “hotness” is increased by the constant cover stories on this rag. i heard that angelina has an agreement with people magazine–she gives them the exclusives like photos of the kids and in return they write fluff pieces about her.
a couple years ago, when jessica and nick were all the rage, the magazines used to have headlines like these..that there was trouble in paradise, and both jessica and nick would come out and publically deny all the rumours…and then, poof they split and divorced, leaving some thinking that the tabs were right all along.
Does anyone believe Life and Style? I always thought it was the fakest magazine and lately it seems to be worse and worse. I only read it when I’m constipated.
Hey entertainment and gossip magazines don’t have to be true–this is not Time or Newsweek. Don’t take your pop garbage so seriously…
Of course Brad is not going back to that fake Fugly Chinnifer Maniston. Angelina is much more suited for Brad. Chinny is old news, and fading (Thank God) Fast.
Lies and Stories, and Out of Touch are both the biggest jokes going. One week Brad is leaving Angie and calling Chinny, Next week. Angie is leaving Brad, and Brad tries to call Chinny, but Chinny wont take his calls. I could do these stories, and use the blogs as my infamous “Source” “Insider”
Who knows. It was just weeks ago that every last tabloid, including Us had Brad and Angie absolutely miserable with each other, including OK, who now says they’re OK. OK? Nobody retracted anything. Star now says she totally caved in on all issues and Brad took her back. In Touch keeps nagging away at them. Us is sitting on the fence just ready to go either way. Who cares. They both make me sick.
I trust People magazine and In Touch. Star is a joke, Us seems to be wrong a lot and Life and Style I wouldn’t read if you paid, me. Globe is for old people and the national enquirer is cheesy and looks like it is written by tired old queens.
Perfectly happy? Ok. So Angelina didn’t give a lapdance to Olivier Martinez a few weeks ago. Like Mk says: “Her vag cannot be with one man” Or woman for that matter.
I cancelled my subscription to life and style a few weeks ago. They literally begged me to keep it, offering me an amazing deal but I refused. It is just awful.
People prints fluff only and In Touch, just so you know, did three blistering weeks of Brangelina break up in the past four. Last week’s was very uncomplimentary although they didn’t zing them as much. Bottom line – who cares! However, if Jennifer Aniston ever took this jerk back, I would head to California to kick her butt – myself, personally.
People prints fluff only and In Touch, just so you know, did three blistering weeks of Brangelina break up in the past four. Last week’s was very uncomplimentary although they didn’t zing them as much. Bottom line – who cares! However, if Jennifer Aniston ever took this jerk back, I would head to California to kick her butt – myself, personally.
Sounds like Margaret works for Life and Style. Hmmm, wonder who that could be? My guess is someone who’s first name starts with the letter M.
And you should know! Besides working on Geraldo’s show and E red carpet, didn’t you work for Star, another Star and Lies mag in my opinion!