Tom Ford was very secretive about introducing his new line of clothing for women. He had a slew of famous females modeling in his show but he didn’t invite the press! Only the UK Harper’s Bazaar was permitted to use photos. Ford wants to appeal to women of all ages so he had everyone from Beyonce ,29, in fishnet boots to Lauren Hutton (now an unbelievable 67) in a snazzy white suit. Since the price range is $3000 to $30,000, the buyers may be all ages, but they will have one thing in common – lots of money.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Wow, I agree, Lauren is way too thin now, it makes her look older
I’ll tell you once again: WOMEN RULES!!
Well Meg, I agree. At least fashion is the one area where trickle-down economics kind of works. It is a billion dollar industry and provides more well and decent-paying local jobs than the crap people buy at Walmart and Target.
strom, watch ‘Single Man’ and you will notice gay people have a soul too. Nothing wrong with creating clothes rich can afford, they have to spend their fortunes on something. We don’t have to look all alike. Cheer up man
Sal Mineo's Zipper Squirrel
MIGAWD…I thought that was the famous “cat Lady” of over-done plastic surgery fame there on the left!
And Hutton is way too skinny in this picture. Looks like she’s going the route of so many younger women of today that don’t eat in the quest to be the thinnest. Lauren Hutton was always a classy lady and never stick thin before so I just wonder about this over-thinness at this age…is she ill, or doing this on purpose? Whatever it is, it doesn’t look good on her, or anybody else.
Chelsea Handler & 50 Cent - N LUV
LOL! Watch yo’self Strom|!
Yeah Strom, all of us border rats, mulattoes, and frizzy-haired big-assed N-rs are coming for you. Malcolm Gladwell is going to make you his bitch.
It’s official. Fashion is DEAD. I have not seen anything tasteful or original in ages. The clothes at H&M are more inspiring than this. Beyonce’s dress is FUG.
That picture says a lot about our society as well. Study it a bit and see what I mean. Frizzy hair or wig covers the ghetto hoops, though.
The Dudette
OMYGOSH!!! Lauren Hutton I look at you and I die ♡. She’s breath taking!!
Tom is one gay blade. Beyonce looks like a whore in whatever she wears…which is the look the bro’s want. Lauren still manages to look striking at 67.
Over the last decade and a half, the corporate entertainment world has created endless scenarios — Britney, Lindsay, etc., etc. — that trash the cache of being young. Why? Because 1) the western/developed world is getting older and 2) most rich people — including those in entertainment and media — are 40 plus.
Youth is now cheap and insignificant. And the British punks of the seventies sang about having no future! Who would want to be 15 right now?