Former Scientologists were shocked to hear Tom Cruise’s dramatic setside Mission Impossible tirade because they say he sounded JUST LIKE (Scientology leader) David Miscavige! One revealed that the rant “was pure church-speak” and closely resembled Miscavige’s abusive tirades. It was as if Cruise was on a “power high” – like a general drilling his army. Former Scientologists agree: this is typical behavior for the higher-ups in the “church.” Classic Scientology mind-control: listen and comply. It had less to do with Covid than showing off his own tyrannical power. Coincidentally or not, the mission of Scientology is believed to be more important than the individuals in it. Public humiliation, threats, and expletives from a person in power is not the sensible way to get people to cooperate and it shows a lack of compassion. But Scientology leaders disagree.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
I really wonder what dirt the “church” has on Tom besides the usual mind control/intimidation they use. With many “leading man” types (aks Travolta, Michael Jackson at one point, etc etc) I believe it is being gay or bi-sexual. It’s been obvious for years Tom needs to be detoxed from this cult who like most are just a scam cover to drain it’s victims of money so those at the very top can profit. All of these scam “non-profit” “churches” need to have their status revoked and be taxed like the 1% corporations they ALL are.
Spot on Janet! Tom is showing off his autocratic dictator skills. Sounds like he’s been hanging out with ol’ Davey Miscavige.
He needs his ass kicked. I hope the movie flops.
I hope the new girlfriend wants to convert or she’ll be gone.
Same sort of control used in the military, the church and police forces.
Shame, guilt and belittle to achieve your means. Get in line and obey.
Or else.
They hate it when you push back and show independent thought.