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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Timothee Chalamet appears to be lost in his thoughts as he rides his bike around Manhattan’s Battery Park. Just maybe, one of these days he will think about addressing his issues with Woody Allen. Is he blocking out what he did to devastate Woody’s career? When Timothee announced that he regretted working with Woody in A Rainy Day in New York and was donating his salary to charity, he implied that he believed the accusation that Woody was guilty of molesting his daughter Dylan in 1992. (Two investigations found Woody NOT guilty and NO ONE else ever accused him of such behavior) Following his lead, other actors backed away from Woody because they were afraid NOT to, and it was fashionable in the Time’s Up era. Amazon dumped the movie and Woody’s career is demolished. Yet Timothee refuses to discuss this horrific incident in interviews, citing “contractual obligations.” It’s time for Timothee to think and talk about this issue.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. imgeorgewill3

    Janet – it appears all the comments before mine were posted by the same person so I wouldn’t pay attention to anything those ignorant people say. They hide behind their keyboards and know nothing about any of the facts in the case. If something happens to a celebrity I happen to like (like Allen) I like to read about what happened and make my own decision. Woody Allen did NOT do anything to that girl. Read his book, people! I honestly think people cant read anymore.I disagree with you Janet on Woody Allen’s career being smashed. I think he will have another big movie soon and the Academy and Hollywood in general will take notice and he will be welcomed back. What has heppened to him is shockingly wrong and his book convinced me that he did nothing wrong. He has risen above it and Im a bigger fan than I was.

  2. Jay

    It’s obvious that Janet is being paid to do hack PR for a child rapist, as well as the the other child rapist Roman Polanski. Janet you really must be desperate for money to sell your soul to promote this. I feel truly sorry for you that you would do this.

  3. emmy

    woody allen is a creep and his movies stink big time

  4. Wilson

    Janet, how can you stand up for Johnny Depp (wife beater), Woody Allen (accusations about child molestation), and many others who demean women.

    You are not pro-women’s equality and rights. Very troubling!

  5. Shameful

    Janet just loves those child molesters. Shameful.

  6. Karen without a mask

    Who cares about the old man. He last made a good film years ago