Yes, this IS a Kardashian with very little makeup – although there may be some eyeliner here. Khloe obviously hates going to the gym for a training session because it’s written all over her face. She walked OUT of they gym looking a lot happier.
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Whoa, whoa, Khloe, Khloe!! It looks like the Kim & Kris Man-Hump-phries fiasco is taking it’s toll on everyone.
Ah, maybe poor Khloe is taking fertility drugs? Those drugs do have that effect on people. Either way she does look pretty darn plump!
what about calling her: khloe “THE PIG”?
Kourtney is the prettiest.
The others look just as bad w/o makeup too
I think she looks fine. It’s the 2 inches of slap and false eyelashes that make me cringe.
It’s rare that any woman looks good without makeup. I’ll bet the ladies who post on here don’t either; I know I don’t. Give Khloe a break, for heaven’s sake!
@Shelby: I don’t think it is that she is not looking good without the makeup, like most of us, but for me it is the deceitfulness of putting all that makeup on making most people think they are the most beautiful on earth. Sadly, that is probably the way with most celebrities (i.e. Kathy Griffin), when they are spotted in their “natural state” they are essentially unrecognizable.
It’s not the lack of makeup that gives me pause but the added weight around her neck (her face is beautiful ;)) but the girl is down right puffy. I went through infertility and took all kinds of hormones and I too had the “puff”. IF this is the case I hope Khloe and Lamar will be successful in their endeavors.
It would be better if they just went off to Zebra Island and got out of the limelight. Lamar will be pounding anything that moves and Khloe wont be in a position to divorce him.
If she’s doing fertility treatments, they may cause weight gain.
I can’t believe how mean you are Janet! I don’t like the Ktrash Klan, but Khloe is the only one with sense. leave her alone.
I’m not a fan of any of those Kardashians. However, she looks like a regular person. She isn’t hideous and she isn’t glamorous. Poking fun at her appearance is not very nice. It is not like she has to answer to you or I or anyone else.
Yes she does, because the entire family put themselves out there to be scrutinized by the world in order to get big bucks. They surely don’t have any noticeable talent. We’ve seen Khloe get the hair around her anus and vajajay lasered, does she really have any secrets from us now.
Amen Palermo!! Their entire life is on tv by their own choice so they are fair game. That being said, this is not the first thing I wanted to see this morning. Or any other time of day actually. I can’t wait for them to go away but then I know another trash family is waiting in the wings to take over. Sigh.
“We’ve seen Khloe get the hair around her anus and vajajay lasered, does she really have any secrets from us now.” – Palermo
Excellent Point Palermo. I truly had no idea. I don’t watch the show. I just see the previews. How sickening.
Will Americans ever stop filling these moron’s pockets?
oh give her a break….she just looks like any other girl out there…we’re just so used to plastisized so called perfect looking people…this is what human looks like folks
There is no way that this picture is Khloe. If it is her, then so what?
Wow. I’m almost speechless. I can’t believe celebrities that leave their house with no makeup on. I never go out without mine-it doesn’t take THAT much effort!
this is why her boy friend rented a stable for her to sleep in.
Janet clearly has a hatred for women who are overweight in the slightest. I wonder if a plus sized girl stole her boyfriend and that’s why she’s a lonely miserable old shrew!
One more thing Janet! Marilyn Monroe arguably the worlds biggest sex icon was a mere5’6″ and weighed 160 pounds at the height of her fame. Sexy isn’t just about being thin it’s about making yourself believe how hot you are regardless of your size. Men like all kinds of women not just skinny minnies and there is nothing wrong with super skinny girls either. Stop hating yourself so much, that you want everyone else to hate themselves too.
She sure looks better than me, and Im a fat tub of stupid greasy lard.
@Frankly, I am a huge fan of Marilyn and can say that she never weighed 160.
Google it!
Wow!This fat beast is hideous!She looks like she smells bad,it hurts my eyes to look at the pic.
Whoever posted the last Muffie post:
Good One!! Very original comment. I am very sorry that you have issues with your obesity and unfortunate looks but hey, you shouldn’t let others in on your little secret. Hint, hint, the posters on this blog are meant to be, (ahem) anonymous.
H-8-ers only H-8!!
I bet her farts REALLY stink. Her face looks like it needs to fart infact
By GoGoGoverness,
Get back to us about the fart smell would ya?!?
Well, without the face-paint, you can really see Khloe’s resemblance to Mama Kris—strong genes there—and, interestingly, you can also see how much she looks like her REAL Daddy, Best-friend-to-Robert-Kardashian-Senior (and Mama Kris, too! 🙂 ): Orenthal James Simpson.