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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


brandondavis.cutjpgPhoto Credit: Buzz Foto

Wow! The self indulgent Brandon Davis has finally paid attention. The photo above clearly indicates that Brandon has lost weight. We investigated and were told that he has indeed, lost over twenty pounds since Januuary. It seems those photos of him (see previous item about his lawsuit) ) coughing like a pig while on vacation in Hawaii, horrified him as much as it did us. He immediately cut back on his calories and has actually accomplished something for the first time we can remember. Maybe he should seek a deal with Jenny Craig.

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  1. Anonymous

    greasy bear is still gross, and always so sweaty

  2. PariSTD

    Maybe he can lose some of the grease that pour off of his ugly face. There is something so creapy abut this slimey, useless dope-fiend.

  3. Anonymous

    he might have lost a pound but he didnt lose much he is just wearing black. I still think he could be one of the best looking guys in hollywood if he stopped all the drinking and drugs and maintained a healthy diet and exercise. he doesnt have any thing else going for him, he may as well look good. how come these hollywood types are so stupid. their looks are really all they have so take care of them.

  4. Lettuce Prey

    Daily colonics……he’s scared sheetless of the mafia comin’ after him for the $75K.
    Cracked that caper.

  5. Margo Channing

    He is Jabba the Hutt, Jr. Still a fat-headed, fat-gutted loser.

  6. Anonymous

    he looks great
    good for him!

  7. Anonymous

    Why are you even bothering with this nobody? No one cares! What has he ever accomplished that’s worth printing his name?

  8. Anonymous

    Oh sure I could see the commercials already. Brandon yelling Jenny Craig is a fat firecrotch!

  9. Anonymous

    Can’t you tell the difference between greasy bear and gummy bear. You loose all credibility when you report crap like this. Niether one of those sweaty fat fucks have lost nothing but money lately.

  10. Anonymous

    Who the fuck is Brandon Davis? Am I supposed to know him for some reason?

  11. Anonymous

    Drug dealers should never sample their own merchandise. Good for the waistline, but baaaaad for business.

  12. Art Chic

    Paris – don’t bring that FIRST crap here – keep that sh!t for Perez Hilton & his manic fangurls…
    BD had body lipo.

  13. piss paris

    i forgot…why the hell is he famous????
    he is the heir like piss is the heiress?? isnt this old already?

  14. Anonymous

    He’s still a greasy, sweaty, disgusting waste of space and DNA.

  15. Anonymous

    He is gross. I am sure he didn’t cut anything except extra lines of coke. He’s disgusting.

  16. Paris

    First !! Why is he still so Sweaty?? And his face is still fat. He’s gross