There’s more to the Girls Next Door than meets the eye. (Or maybe I was just naive ) Someone very involved in the Playboy world filled me in on what we DON’T see on the reality show. I’m not going to name names, so you’ll have to figure it out, but it makes watching the show a LOT more interesting, looking for clues. Apparently ONE of the three girls (Holly, Kendra, and Bridget) is a hard-core lesbian and not the LEAST bit interested in men. Another of the girls is super freaky and into almost any kind of kinky sex. The third girl seems to have a genuine crush on Hef and just wants to keep him happy. The lesbian has claimed the super freak for her girlfriend and they regularly get it on in a wide variety of ways for Hef’s amusement. The third one joins in if Hef says to. At his age, he’s happy just to watch.
Are you people that dumb?
Kendra is the wild, sex chick.
Bridget is the lesbian (a hot one!)
Holly is the man’s main squeeze. Holly and Kendra obviously do not get along because Holly is tired of babysitting a spoiled brat.
Think about it people.
Are you people that dumb?
Kendra is the wild, sex chick.
Bridget is the lesbian (a hot one!)
Holly is the man’s main squeeze. Holly and Kendra obviously do not get along because Holly is tired of babysitting a spoiled brat.
Think about it people.
Are you people that dumb?
Kendra is the wild, sex chick.
Bridget is the lesbian (a hot one!)
Holly is the man’s main squeeze. Holly and Kendra obviously do not get along because Holly is tired of babysitting a spoiled brat.
Think about it people.
this is a gossip page…NAME NAMES IDIOT.
kendra is dating someone and now hollly has been spottted with cris angel. kendra and holly do not like eachother, and because of the issue, and obvious others…they will be ending the show after the season.
this is a gossip page…NAME NAMES IDIOT.
kendra is dating someone and now hollly has been spottted with cris angel. kendra and holly do not like eachother, and because of the issue, and obvious others…they will be ending the show after the season.
Bridget got her degrees from University of the Pacific and The California State University. There was a clip of it in season 1. There were also episodes showing her going to class.
Yeah Bridget (bought) got her degree online…..
Kendra was in the Taxicab Confessions episode called “A Fare to Remember.” Check it out to see how she looks pre-stylist–it’s totally shocking!
Girls Next door fan
Ok you guys just stop it. I saw Holly in real life and she is the fucking SWEETEST THING. She would never do that just for money. You can tell. Dont you hear how many times she says “i want to marry heff i want to have kids?” If someone actually wanted their money, they would want no part of having kids with them…heff is very old, and if she was just their for the money, she would stay as far away from him as possible until he dies,(which is going to be quite soon) take the money, and run…but she loves him soo much that she wants to have kids to rember him and have a part of him in her life forever. and shes gorgeous. Kendra, is NOT A LESBIAN. I love kendra sooo fucking much. Wow, she says a girl has a nice ass….so what??? that doesnt mean SHIT! Noone has fucking proof… another girl can be like dammnn nice asss but its just a friendly funny thing just as a joke or for fun. You guys are flipping the fuck out. It would be called a TOM BOY NOT a lesbian. Get that righttt…and bridget, shes very sweeet. She truly loves heff… They all really love heff, but hollys into deep relationships and is ready to settle down the most. Stop being so negative there all gorgeous and sooo amazing
i think Hef at his age cannot satisfy these wild girls, so dat leaves u to one assumption – money. they are there for what they can get from Hef.i think they have to find other means to satisfy their urge.
Does anyone know what kind of deal they have with Hef? How much are they paid, what is included for free besides room and board, and do they make extra for special events?
Do they have to sign contract? I seems they are on a verrry short leash. What would get them kicked out(besides getting old and fat)
I think spreading rumours about these girls is nasty and childish, leave them alone I really like the show and I think they are all nice people who seem to care for Hef. So can you all grow up and get a life as long as they are happy thats what counts!!!!!!!!!
i think that bridget and kendra are lezbians ’cause almost of the whole time of the show are together and holly is always with hefffffff.
H&H That’s why Holly starts with H and Hef also.
If this is true, then Kendra is DEFINITELY the lesbian, and I think her and Bridget probably get it on. Bridget seems kinky to me. Kendra is the tomboy, and in EVERY pic I’ve ever seen of her, she is on the outside of the circle, right beside Bridget. Holly is definitely the one that wants to stay with Hef forever and have a child with him. Holly shares Hef’s bed, it only makes sense that Kendra and Bridget get it on because they claim that they all do things together, but how else could the 2 other girls be sexually satisfied?
why do people like to say such mean things about other people they dont really know? so, who cares if ones a freak or lesbian…its none of your business…how about we make a web-page dedicated to your sexual preferences and have people make nasty comments…it shouldnt matter as long as they’re happy…and they must be dong something a lot better than us because they’re there and we’re not! if they say they love him…we shouldnt judge…and if they dont, it’ll eventually come to the surface. in the end…we all have out opinions i guess, but its not polite to say things that you dont know are true
holly is the lesbian because that is why kendra only really talks to bridget
i personally think that:
Hollly: Lesbian.
Bridget: Super Freaky.
Kendra: She Love To Hef.
in the episode 1 She�s Say this..
Holly definitely is the one that seems like she actually kind of cares about him.
I think all of them like kinky sex.
Maybe, i don’t know.
But I find the lesbian thing hard to believe.
(Although in a photo shoot of the three of them, Kendra is the one like, licking the other girls….)
I personally think, as sad as it is, they are just with him for the money.
Besides Holly maybe.
Hmmm … I like to think Hef only sleeps with Holly and the other 2 are for show. I think Holly is very possessive and wouldn’t let Hef sleep with anyone else but him, and as an old silly man, he agrees. But he has a reputation to uphold, hence the other 2 gfs.
I love Bridgette and Kendra and respect Holly’s game. I enjoy watching the show … B & K definitely look like nice girls and someone I could be friends with. Maybe this is why i want to imagine they don’t have any sexual relationship with the old man. His bedroom looks old, dark, messy, musty, dusty, and not a relaxing or sexy place at all. Holly pretends she enjoys it. But is it worth it to sleep with a man your grandpa’s age just to get money and power … hey, it wouldn’t work for me, but if it works for her, that’s fine.
Just wonder what will happen to all of them when Hef dies … hopefully they will move on to real careers and not drift down into porn and such.
Personally I love watching the show. I think all the girls are hot, especially Kendra, what a body? Who wouldnt almost kill to look like that?
IWondering about Kendra
Was Kendra on the HBO special “Taxicab Confessions” in Vegas about 1-2 years ago? If not, this girl looked and acted just like Kendra. She wanted to find “celebrities” and told the cab driven that she would do anything to meet a celebrity. It was “her” and another girl who got in the cab. It was definitely Taxicab Confessions, and if this girl was not Kendra, then she has a twin, in looks and personality. Can anyone confirm this for me — this is driving me crazy. If it was her, she finally found her “celebrity”.
They say in the Lodi, CA circles that Bridgette is married, has a different last name than parents. That this all for the ratings and money??? I love Bridgette, shes a sweet girl, I sat and spoke to her at Stockton Ports game. If Kindra sounds like a les–its just her way of encouraging the other girls and putting herself in what a man would think of how a girl looks. They must love Hef, Holly I can’t figure, she doesn”t seem to be warm and as “on board” for other girlfriends..maybe Hef is like Big Love on HBO only has a first girlfriend…kids by others, and girlfriends since its not legal to have more than one wife at a time, its a pretty nice “compound” I enjoy how considerate Hef is about all 3 s feelings.
Holly is the one with the hef crush but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that she wants hefs job when he kicks it. Kendra could be a lezbo – I mean look at her but she definitely is freaky too. Bridgette I could see as a lez but not freaky.
But either way – I love the show, I think the girls are great, and if I was 20 something with big tits and blond hair I would do my best to be number 4.
Although there are a good majority of people that think they’re stupid and ugly keep in mind they’re sitting in a mansion and can have anything they want when they want it – where are you at? Take a look around.
I think many of you have it all wrong. Holly does seem to love him a great deal. I believe Kendra and her family are money hungry!.. Bridget is simply a nice person who loves Holly and Hef and tolerates Kendra. I also feel Kendra is a product of her upbringing. I would like her more is she didn’t make up stories and lie so much about who she is and where she is from. She needs to mature a little bit, but to be fair she is quite young. Quite young. She is no intellectual, and I would be surprised if she even finished high school. On the other hand I believe Holly is quite intelligent. Brigette is no dummy either. Holly may not have the degrees Bridgette has, but she is smart. AND she is working on something that is worth while. She is becoming a production editor. She is LEARNING something from this experience. She wants to be capable of taking care of herself when this is all over and God-forbid (for Holly) Hef passes.
Suffice it to say, I hope Hef does marry Holly. I hope Holly does a his baby (2, tho’, no loney only, please Holly). I also hope things work out for Bridgette and Kendra as well. And Kendra, if you read this, I am not hating on you. I hope the best for you. I simply wish you take this opportunity to grow up a little bit and like yourself a little more. I would hate to see your story ending tragically. Get something going. Don’t depend on getting Hef or taking him from Holly. It is not going to happen. He loves her, as well he should. She is clearly dedicated to him. I personally think they make a fine couple.
Love the show ladies. Hef, marry your girl, Holly.
Holly doesn’t love Hef she loves the power, fame, and money. Look how she is always twirling that ugly nappy hair of hers. She is so bored with anyone else unless she feels threatened like when they were in Chicago and the ladies at the other table Hef invited. Holly in a bit of a panic with much interest then…no hair twirling during this lil moment.
Bridgette, always makes dirty looks at Kendra when she knows Hef isn’t around and she needs to diet. I dated wealth before and gained a few extra lbs from all our 5 course dinners and alcohol and my bad but yes it wasn’t long before I was booted out the door for looking like JLo(which I did when he threw me out…figure wise and not doing the junk anymore) not looking like Kate Moss(which I did when I meant him…weight wise and doing the junk)
Anyway, she better be careful but lucky for her he is old and doesn’t have the strength to argue with Holly about that too.
Kendra I used to not care for but now I am starting to see a different side of her so she is okay with me now because lets not forget she grew up with no daddie and poor so she just fell into it.
I don’t care for how stupid Men including Hef always choose the evil chics allowing them to make changes like throwing out other girls and acting like they recruited the third girl. YUCK!!!
I say throw Holly and Bridgette out get the 7 old ones back and have a baby with Kendra. Great Media stunt and would throw a lil wrench in Holly and Briggies plan huh ;~)
Oh yeah and I guess she figured since she can’t score his name and fame by marriage/his baby then she went after this great interest in running the other playboy operation.
Wonder where she will end up after the death of Mister Hef???
Well if you really think about it…common sense would tell you that they all are all bi-sexual freaks who gets super kinky and yes it is reality tv at it’s cleanist but unless you are going to pay to see his more private reality tv than stop whining.
We all know that they must be doing something super kinky; otherwise, I think Hef would find others to satisfy his desires & needs (which I am sure it is a lot of work these days) and I am sure they would most likely do the same unless the money, fame and power is more important to them as it is for a lot of women who choose that over actual love.
Personally, having rules and curfew would be extremely difficult for most so whatever they get financially they most likely deserve it. Just think about it, most do what those girls do for a lot less and with uglier less charming men.
Either way their lives are a lot more interesting even more interesting than whats her name above Alisha.
Well if you really think about it…common sense would tell you that they all are all bi-sexual freaks who gets super kinky and yes it is reality tv at it’s cleanist but unless you are going to pay to see his more private reality tv than stop whining.
We all know that they must be doing something super kinky; otherwise, I think Hef would find others to satisfy his desires & needs (which I am sure it is a lot of work these days) and I am sure they would most likely do the same unless the money, fame and power is more important to them as it is for a lot of women who choose that over actual love.
Personally, having rules and curfew would be extremely difficult for most so whatever they get financially they most likely deserve it. Just think about it, most do what those girls do for a lot less and with uglier less charming men.
Either way their lives are a lot more interesting even more interesting than whats her name above Alisha.
I’m a lesbian. I have gaydar. Kendra is the lesbian. When Elvira came on she was all like “ur gorgeous” and she was commenting on her boobs and everything. Holly is in love with Hef. Hands down. That leaves Bridget as th ekinky one which makes sense.