There’s more to the Girls Next Door than meets the eye. (Or maybe I was just naive ) Someone very involved in the Playboy world filled me in on what we DON’T see on the reality show. I’m not going to name names, so you’ll have to figure it out, but it makes watching the show a LOT more interesting, looking for clues. Apparently ONE of the three girls (Holly, Kendra, and Bridget) is a hard-core lesbian and not the LEAST bit interested in men. Another of the girls is super freaky and into almost any kind of kinky sex. The third girl seems to have a genuine crush on Hef and just wants to keep him happy. The lesbian has claimed the super freak for her girlfriend and they regularly get it on in a wide variety of ways for Hef’s amusement. The third one joins in if Hef says to. At his age, he’s happy just to watch.



  1. if ur so concerned about the war in iraq…why dont you enlist… 😛

  2. Someone mentioned Bridgett’s parents . . . I was so shocked when I recognized her as a girl from my home town, Lodi, not to mention my church! YEESH! And the fact that her mother not only condones her lifestyle, but sends her 16 year old daughter to stay in that house and be made over like a whore for that midsummer party is beyond disgusting. But Bridgett comes from a family with no $$ and she has obviously found a way to make some. None of the decent people in this town are proud of her or her putting us in the spotlight.

  3. Honestly who cares, they are who they are. May not be for me but who am I to judge. You think Hef is stupid enough to marry or have kids with Holly, come on now. If they want to play house and use each other let them. It’s entertaining!!!! I love the show and all the girls, they crack me up!

  4. Honestly who cares, they are who they are. May not be for me but who am I to judge. You think Hef is stupid enough to marry or have kids with Holly, come on now. If they want to play house and use each other let them. It’s entertaining!!!! I love the show and all the girls, they crack me up!

  5. They act the way they do for ratings. Of course they may not be the smartest, but they are also not who they portray on reality TV. They are very entertaining and who cares who’s the lesbo or kinky I’m sure they all play many roles in Hefs bedroom, and that is for them to deal with. And for everyone who says they are not good looking…give me a break they may not be the best looking in the world but they are pretty damn decent and hell look who they have to sleep with, come on now. Hefs not the greatest looking guy, even in his prime!

  6. They act the way they do for ratings. Of course they may not be the smartest, but they are also not who they portray on reality TV. They are very entertaining and who cares who’s the lesbo or kinky I’m sure they all play many roles in Hefs bedroom, and that is for them to deal with. And for everyone who says they are not good looking…give me a break they may not be the best looking in the world but they are pretty damn decent and hell look who they have to sleep with, come on now. Hefs not the greatest looking guy, even in his prime!

  7. They act the way they do for ratings. Of course they may not be the smartest, but they are also not who they portray on reality TV. They are very entertaining and who cares who’s the lesbo or kinky I’m sure they all play many roles in Hefs bedroom, and that is for them to deal with. And for everyone who says they are not good looking…give me a break they may not be the best looking in the world but they are pretty damn decent and hell look who they have to sleep with, come on now. Hefs not the greatest looking guy, even in his prime!

  8. Well Kendra Posted a blog telling eveyone that she is not a lesbian at all. so i think you are all wrong.

  9. Kendra is def. the lesbian.I can’t decide whether holly really loves hef or if bridget does.But in holly and hef’s 5th anniversary episode, holly started to cry.I’m really not that sure….

  10. most of us said that bridg. is the lesbian and kendra is a freak. their all white trailor trash

  11. yea… well i dont think they are anything
    holly really loves hef
    and bridget isnt kinky
    and kendra probaly isnt just lez she might be bi
    so whatever
    u guys can think
    but of course this website is to start rumors
    i wouldnt believe it
    if u have real proof instead of just people saying shit
    then come tell me what they r
    but other then
    your full of shit
    oo yea
    and kendra cant be a lez… cuz she bumped a BOY for hef
    didnt u watch it

  12. i think its pretty obvious that the girls next door have been posting on the website and trying to defend themselves. Nice try ladiez…

  13. Any one who has ever watched the show knows that Holly loves Hef, Bridget must be the freak, cuz Kendra is a little lez ho.

  14. I Feel so bad for all of the girls. I really think they have mental problems! I dont care who is a lesbian or freak or gold digger I care about how they feel you knoe? Money is watever its really enjoyable but damn Is not worth all that shit they go through the shit being you knoe nasty sex I think they should find a A REAL MAN heff is a cool dude but hes an idiot as well. Im sure that he has his Un happy dayz 🙂

  15. YEAH FOR HEF! I’m a 24 year old student dating a 60 year old doctor who has other “fun” on the side. So don’t think this type of relationship is rare or constructed for hollywood b/c we have been together for 4 years and “the girls next door” reflect our life in a real way. I love Holly and totally relate to having and keeping that “#1 girl position.” She may have a bit of a daddy complex, but we all have a daddy or mommy complex, just ask Freud. She truely loves Hef, b/c she could just easily go out and find someone else just as wealthy, who is a bit younger and wants to settle down, but she doesn’t because she LOVES Hef. I could find someone other than my boyfriend, and in 10 years (after law school) I’m going to be making way more $$$ then my boyfriend. Beside’s I’ve turned down the offers of big money and pampered lifestyle for my boyfriend. He spends some money on me but usually it’s in the form of stuffed animals, t-shirts or snowglobes from his business trips. He never just takes me shopping or buy’s me Tiffany’s, so I’m not in it for the gold-digging. I imagine that Hef has Holly taken care of in some legel way and I imagine that she will get a large financial gift as long as she sticks by his side. Kendra doesn’t love Hef, she likes him but could take him or leave him. Bridge has mad degrees behind her name and is probably there more for Holly than Hef. Is Hef getting these girls to get it on all kinky like for him? I hope so!!!! I know it puts a smile on my bf face when I invite in a third, or my ass is on the menu or I put his ass on the menu. Bravo if these girls are doing it up for Hef. People keep saying it’s a secret because Hef doesn’t want to ruin his image….WTF the man made Playboy not Fisher Price. He IS sex so if it came out that he was doing some mad kinky stuff in the mansion then oh f*cking big deal. I understand him wanting to keep it under wraps because of his kids and it’s not like he’s Larry Flynt, but if they all get into bed with a tub of butter and 2 ferrets then more power to them. Even if these girls are just there for the money, do you think that after all his life experience he doesn’t know when he’s being used? The man is not stupid and even if he pays them to be his girlfriends, so what. My basic point is that the rest of us would be lucky if we had a chance to be Hef, Holly, Kendra or Bridge.

  16. first of all, i hope i never have alisha as a lawyer, since she can’t spell the word legal (or truly). she and anyone else who thinks holly is in this for love is either an idiot or just insane! it is soooooo obvious that she’s riding this thing out as long as she can or until he dies. and of course she wants kids with hef – not because she loves him, but for security; she’d be tied to his money looooong after he dies! my friends and i have been saying that since day one. she’s a fake, phony, fraud! as for hef being savvy enough to know when he’s being scammed, there are only two explanations: 1. he knows holly is not sincere and does’nt care, figuring he’s using her just as much as she’s using him, and just won’t leave her a large inheritance, or 2. he’s simply lost his intuition -he is after all eighty years old. also, does anyone else think bridget looks about 43 years old and holly about 36? am i the only one who thinks they’re lying about their age?

    “i love hangin out with my guy friends and checkin out girls w them” – kendra wilkinson’s about me
    & does anyone else think its odd that kendra and holly dont have each other on their top lists?
    but, holly has bridget on her as #3.
    kendra, on the other hand, doesnt have either of the girls on her myspace tops.
    bridget does though.

  18. yeah i do think its random that holly and brigdet are not in her top friends i dont think they like each other. Holly makes it clear that she doesnt like the other girls and that shes really jealous of all of them. I hate holly!

  19. I really don’t like Kendra, she seems spoiled- like when they had that one party and she sat around and didn’t help the others setup. Then she left for like two hours to get some gift and then even Hef was like “lets continue.” Even for Hef’s bday gift- she gets him some LAME photo, but the other girls went all out for their gifts. 😀
    And man I wish I look 1/4 as good as Bridget when I’m 33! I thought she was like 28 or something. And Holly is my favorite. She rocks. 😀
    Its okay when people hate, its just to make them feel better about their own crappy lives- I won’t lie, I’d love to be in their position! Do whatever you like and not have to worry about anything. 😀

  20. anybody could be hot if heff was payin for unlimited plastic surgery.

  21. Bridget – kinky and lesbian …Holly’s girlfriend
    Holly – kinky and lesbian…jealous of Kendra -always putting Kendra down and trying to make her look like an idiot…feels threatened by the young, energetic girl that Hef has shown an interest in…doesn’t want Kendra to get any of the $$$
    Kendra – truly likes Hef, but will do anything to keep her place at the house

  22. This is all bullshit. All of you are envious of these girls so get over it and stop talking shit. Get off your ass and do something. Stop critizing other people’s way of life by getting your own life. Stupid people

  23. I love the GND, all 3 of them. But I do tend to feel sorry for kendra, you can tell that Holly and Bridget dont like her and exclude her from things and that shes on her own alot. But as for them being lez’s or kinky or whatever… WHO F-ING CARES!!! Its soooo american of you guys to think its any of your f-ing buisiness what they do behind closed doors! Your all such nosey HATERS!!!!

  24. i hate holly shes a gold digger but shes like the house wife type.i think bridgets the prettiest and the smartest and kendra is the fun sporty one so hef has a selection.

  25. Would anyone be talking about this if someone hadn’t broght it up? I think that all of them are pretty and I like the show, but I’m not trying to find out thier secrets. I don’t know how I got to this site, but after reading it it made me angry at everyone who posted negative things. Get your nose out of their business and leave them alone. That’s really mean.

  26. the girls net doors is the hottest show ever and i think all the girls are pretty and cool and hot

  27. i cant believe how much people care about this, why dus everyone need to bitch about holly bridget and kendra! their so stunning and just cos their blonde dus not mean their stupid!

  28. I think Kendra can be the lez, Bridgette is the freak and Holly is the one who cares for Hef but then again i dunno cuz Holly seems sweet but she is VERY possesive of Hef and u know she wants him (or maybe his money) only to herself. So its a toss up on whos the freak and who truly cares for Hef. I must say though Bridgette is a total sweet heart and is my favorite!!

  29. Im gonna go with Kendra is the lesbian, and thats all i care about…hell i hope shes kinky too, which im pretty sure she is. Shes deffinately my fave on the show and shes hot as hell…great personality as well. Shes for sure on the top of my “to do” list. 🙂


  31. hae all of you haters out there are only hating on the girls because you so wish could be them!!
    And NO kendra aint a lesbian OK!!!
    All of you have nothing better to do so you go and hate on the people you ENVY!!
    Kendra aint a lesbian she is just more in to her sports and cant help but honest,and besides the booty is very important!!
    Bridget aint kinky, shes just more of a lover than a fighter, and she is always the one to look cute but sexy at the same time!!!
    Holly isint kinky either she is pretty much like Bridget but more responsible and alot more closer to Hugh Hefner because shes been with him the longest!!
    If you want someone to judge and make them feel like shit, actually do it to someone you really know!!

  32. kendra, i love you u, r my hero ,i live to watch your show.i have every show on my myspace well not every show but like three or four. i can not waite till march till all of the new shows come on.will you please wright back no send me a letter with a big red kiss and heff i would love a pitcher of you and the girls with holly/kendra/bridget

  33. Only seriously emotionally f….. up women wish to be them. Who the hell wants to suck that crip keepers wrinkled old penis. It’s beyond vile. It’s all about the money, NONE of them loves him. All those women are morally and spirtually dead. Love is no where to be found in that house. Only corruption.

  34. The ‘girls’ have degraded themselves to the lowest degree. They are a disgrace
    to women and to feminism. Terribly sad..they should come to their senses-put value on themselves and stop whoring, realize money doesn’t bring happiness and get out as fast as they can . One wishes that they had mothers to tell them this. ‘Hef’ is 100 percent skieve. Completely gross beyond words. A man of no character whatsoever…What a horrible legacy for his children!

  35. I think Bridget is the lesbian…if you watch the show she never seems interested in guys……just in being a hot playboy bunny. (for other chicks, maybe?)
    Kendra is obviously kinky……she has said certain guys are hot before…like athletes….and she was body painted.
    Holly is in love with Hef…

  36. I feel really bad for all three of them. I think they would all be happier living with me in my small three bedroom house, supported by my teaching salary. Any one of them would kill me in bed without even breaking a sweat.

  37. The fun is amusing.
    The girls have charisma but are naiive and although good looking have very poor self esteem.
    Who would date a man involved with two other women???
    They are only with Hef for the opportunities.
    I feel sorry for them. They do look better than me but I am married and my husband only has one wife. Me.
    Anyways regarding the topic above, I think Kendra is bi, I think Holly has the most feelings for Hef but I can’t see Bridget being wild.
    Unless she thinks it can further her career.

  38. I love all three. At first I thought Holly was stuck up, Kendra totally trashy and Bridget dull, but after watching the show waaay too much I have changed my opinions. If one of them is gay, It’s got to be Bridget,she did a striptease in front of her parents and they were cool with it, which leads me to believe that they already jumped some big hurdles as far as their acceptance of her. She does seem rather home-towney but she never really talks about sex, which is a big ? Kendra is sooooo straight. She’s totally on the sports dudes and her mom would freak if she was gay. Holly definatley has lesbian instincts, as does Kendra(kinky anybody?) but obviously wants Hef’s lovechild, is from a rich background and seems rather conservative and I think she’d stand to lose a lot if she was publicly gay. As for me, I’ve gotten to the point where I’d probably do any of the three and the old man, but I also live in Iowa, so I succumb to tempatation rather quickly.

  39. The girls are subject to unlimited nosiness and questions…they knew what they were getting into when they chose to live in the mansion (and when they chose to go into reality TV). I think the whole thing is strictly for P.R.–Hef has to maintain a certain image to continue building his business empire. What better way than to choose 3 different types of women(sporty, girly, wifey)with 3 distinctly different personalities, make them have mandatory sex of all kinds, and travel the world together on a reality show? It’s business brilliance, but it’s still business. The girls had to sign contracts to live in the mansion, have curfews, and basically get paid. It’s a business transaction–they all have clothing, perfume, jewelry, and makeup lines, bobblehead dolls, instant fame and nearly endless fortune, and he gets unlimited press, constant magazine material, he looks paternal and grandfatherly which is good for his rep, but he also gives the appearance of eternally living the playboy’s dream, having sex all the time, etc. (in reality my husband gets more sex than this man), thus appealing to men and women of all ages. Both Hef and the girls get their fair share of pros and cons and everyone benefits. Even if a girl gets dumped she has instant offers from all kinds of magazines and porn videos–a lot like American Idol…you win, you get a record deal. You lose, you get a different record deal. As for the personality types–I think they are all occasionally bi for a night per instructions from Hef, they can all be considered gold diggers, and they all had bad relationships with their fathers, so they all have a minor crush on Hef. Big surprise–they’re somewhat cloned…inside and out, in the “real’ reality show–life.

  40. Most women would give their right arm to be in any one of these girls places. And who cares who’s kinky, lesbo, or totally in love. But I do agree that Hef is a “Dirty Old Man”, but you can’t help but loving him anyways. What goes on behind the mansion doors should stay there. More power to you ladies……

  41. i love this show! holly really loves hef,bridget loves everyone (and shes not dumb how many of you have college degrees) kendra is young and having fun. you all need to stop judging unless you are ready to be judged. as for hef MORE POWER TO HIM!

  42. Do you people have nothing better to do? If you don’t like them then don’t watch the show!!!! I think they look great! All of them, who cares about their sexuality! I think the ones that are trying to analyze all of this are just bored with your own lives and are jealous of what they have! Bitches! 🙂

  43. el cebo es holli q es la q quiere consentir a cada rato a hef, la lesbiana es briget ya q le pasa agarrando el trasero a kendra y no se acomoda con lo q tiene, y la loca rumbera es kendra y si ella ve este mensaje es sierto ah y vete al infierno perrra

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