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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


We are tickled pink by the mounting feud between two Republicans: Donald Trump and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold has been a die-hard Reagan Republican since he moved to LA and became a huge fan of the California governor. Last year, for the first time ever, Arnold could not support his party’s presidential candidate and tried to say so diplomatically – he advised voters to consider what’s best for their country instead of their party. Trump never forgets a slight and was delighted to pounce on Arnold when opening night ratings for Celebrity Apprentice (which Trump formerly hosted and still produces) were only so-so. Trump denounced Arnold and called himself a “ratings machine.” When Arnold announced Friday that he was not returning to host the show, Donald was thrilled and tweeted that he didn’t quit – “He was TERMINATED over pathetic ratings!” Arnold’s tweeted reply: ”You should think about hiring a new joke writer and fact checker!” He feels viewers shunned the show because of Trump’s connection. All we know is – this feud is going to get BETTER and BETTER- just watch and see!

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Jurisdoc

    Arnold hates Donald because Donald, having been born on American soil, got to run for president. Arnold wasn’t born here, so he can’t run for president.
    (See the Constitution.)

    Arnold sickens me anyway after the maid debacle.

  2. Gigi

    The Clintons belong in a federal prison.

  3. Collin

    You mean that two RINOs are fighting? Better that than having Hitlery in the White House. Not even Bill The Rapiste Clinton (look up Juanita Broaddrick) would hit on Janet.

  4. CLIT

    it hustless america?

  5. susieserb

    Nah, there’s nothing to watch…It’s OVA!