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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


#thepaperboy #janetcharlton

The audience walking out of a recent screening of Lee Daniels’ “The Paperboy” didn’t know WHAT to think. Some were repelled by the white trash vulgarity of the oversexed sweaty characters and others were mesmerized. Some seemed EMBARRASSED to admit they liked it! In the movie, it’s 1969 in Florida and Matthew McConaughey plays a reporter with a lurid dark side and Zac Efron is his sex-obsessed younger brother. John Cusack plays the most revolting character of all – a deranged prisoner who might be innocent of murder. Nicole Kidman is the desperate floozy who wants to marry her prison pen pal. Mix all this up with thick southern accents (especially Macy Gray the narrator) swamp dwellers, and racial tension, and you have a poisonous stew. But the movie is funny at times, surprisingly compelling, and you cannot take your eyes away. Some might call it lowbrow, but it’s entertaining.

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  1. Henry Orient

    Christina: Matt is surprisingly much hotter in person. I am sure if you met him you would gladly join him for a cup of coffee and enjoy a pleasant and engaging conversation about your respective after hours hobbies.

  2. Henry Orient

    The story is convoluted and meandering.

    Other movies to see with parts of this movie that are really a lot better:

    If you want to see Matt’s ass see “Magic Mike”

    If you want to see a good movie about swamp dwellers (though it is not really a swamp) See “Beasts of the Southern Wild”

    If you want to see Nicole (though she does look pretty good in Paperboy)as a manipulative tart see “To Die For”

    If you want to see John Cusack as an amoral criminal see “The Grifters”

    If you want to see Zac Or Macy prolly gonna have to wait. They are ok in this but who has the patience.

  3. anonymouse

    Christina … ” I wouldn’t trust him either ” … ya, like that’s ever gonna happen, i’d bet, if he’d just even looked your way, you’d crawl buck naked across a burning parking lot mid-Summer in Dallas,

    in fact all you, faux christian fatties would

  4. palermo

    I mostly watch British movies and television shows, Americans can never match the quality of those. I prefer their books as well. I was watching the Best Exotic Marigold Hotel the other day and realized something we never see in our movies, actresses who look their age but still get fantastic roles. Here if you are 20 to 80 you have to look 20, it’s really rather sad.

  5. Kitty

    Indy, lol. And don’t forget him and his buddies like the naked bongo playing! That just really sounds dirty…lol

  6. the beach club

    no no no, “Coke” doesn’t look this way……

  7. Christine India

    Kitty, another agreement between two great minds. LOL. We can see thru him; he is a bum and a 3rd rate actor. Personally, I think he is tired of being married. JMHO, but I have read rumors she is getting sick and tired of him always being gone and indicated she doesn’t trust him. (I wouldn’t either) 🙁

  8. Kitty

    Yet another piece of crap to put on my no-see list. But that’s OK, I try to avoid Matthew McConaughey movies anyway. Very overrated in acting and looks!