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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


dallas both -06EFFcut

Move over Melrose Place and 90210, another vintage drama series is about to be revived (due to an apparent lack of original ideas) most likely on TNT. “Dallas” is in the early stages of preproduction and many of the original stars are being approached to make appearances. Linda Gray, 69, who played Sue Ellen Ewing, and Larry Hagman, 78, who famously played JR Ewing, are both thinking it over. The older stars who do return will simply be featured in cameo roles and a new generation of Texas Ewings will be the stars. Of the original cast – who do you think will jump at the chance to return?

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  1. Jailed in Seattle C.S.L.

    I felt really old and sad watching the show and had to turn it off and yes this folks are burning the candle at both ends but they are taking the power and zest they both have and busting there ass to make history again and bring in new blood and of course they are loved as a combination put together and having fun and getting those special moments together and acting and showing the new actors what it takes to make it to the top and really gather there own special blend and idea and have nots but yes it is great to see the old team together and yes it is special and forever people all over the world can enjoy this wonderful and classic and strong actor and actress and gather some key information.

  2. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Feierabend

    The woman of Dallas are breath taking and amazing actress and most of all make you want to turn on the t.v. week after week and so you can see what happens and the men are class act as well.

  3. Sir Justin Jonluke Ross Feierabend

    My family loves this show in the early 80s and would love to see what happens to each and every person on the show and yes Drama was key to making my family members turn on the t.v. each week and yes it would be nice to see what every one is doing and what directions every one went?

  4. Casonia...Who is going to Win Hells Kitchen? Hope it is not Elisa and hope Paul really rocks it out and Jennifer was not his type from the start and when a man is flirting with other woman his desire was never there to start off with! Tommy speak up dear!


  5. Casonia Logenberry..Hells kitchen..Tommy Honey speak up and talk and take charge..I want you to stay on the show! Jennifer stop screwing up and double check your food first and Will keep your eye on the prize and don't let Drama get in your way and Pauly

    I though the show was lacking in so many ways and the only time..I watched the show was some one shot Jr. Other then that I don’t remember the show and yes it has been off for years but never noticed the show that much but good luck with bringing it back and hope that your fans will enjoy it big time but..I am not a fan and will not watch the show when it returns.

  6. stan

    Charlene Tilton will. She is was so laughable in a reunion special a few years ago. She was dressed to skimpy for a late middle age woman. Her flirting was so laughable. So she is more desperate for fame then John & KAte and the ballon boy family

  7. Guest

    paging j simp for a new ewing!

  8. coucou

    OMG did Linda Gray sign a deal with the Devil? She is the most beautiful 69 year old woman I have ever seen! She has actually gotten better looking with age…her hair is fantastic, too…wow…I am amazed and inspired.

  9. captain america

    …………can I meet her?

  10. Bambi

    It has been widely reported that Linda Gray has/had a string of boytoys to keep her amused. Assuming they are mostly nearly penniless and that she is paying the bills, it is likely that she will jump at the chance to return, but strictly for the $$$.

  11. bonnie blizzard

    In real life (not reel life), Larry was a drunk and ruined his liver. He had a liver transplant and still imbibed. Will they take a chance on him and re-hire him?

  12. right

    J.R. for many years was the coolest character on TV.

  13. cal

    I was very young when this was on in my country, but have some memories of it.

    I hope Larry does a few cameo’s – he was a great JR Ewing. He played that role so well.

    Be great to see Victoria and aquaman/Patrick also.

    Lets hope they don’t re-do that ‘it was all a dream’ again, that fiasco was absolute c**p.

  14. Dieter Shumacher-Berlin

    Not even the decadent immoral Minivan and Hummer driving Americans will support this type of garbage on television. Texas is hated all over the World as being the breeding ground of such morons as GW Bush, Jessica Simpson, Hillary Duff and self proclaimed phony charlatan “Dr”Phil.

  15. clementine

    DO NOT WANT!!!!!

  16. Generation X

    It won’t be Priscilla Presley – her face has been so totally mutilated the fans would laugh their a** off.

  17. Reta
