Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
We’re betting not a lot of people recognized “The Good Wife” star Julianna Margulies in NYC as she strolled with her husband Keith Lieberthal and their son Kieran. They’re all bundled up in puff jackets. People often comment that Julianna’s husband looks like a movie star but she quickly points out that Keith is a lawyer and Harvard Law School grad. When she received her SAG award last year she actually thanked her in-laws for raising such a great son – THAT’S how crazy she is about Keith.
I took a class with his dad – great guy. And also very handsome.
Wow, he’s gorgeous. Better that he isn’t an actor.
Yes, he is gorgeous. And what a beautiful little boy they made.
She looks bitchy.
Interesting to note when Tommy/Mel/Rick takes a powder so do about a half a dozen other psycho posters.
Yeah, Patrick, but they’re all watching, all the time.
That creeps me out, Bluejay.
Kinda like “the posters under the stairs.”
Miss Margulies looks a little bit haggard. Or maybe she’s just out without a stitch of makeup. Either way, her man seems to be aware of this and is trying to gage her reaction to the papz. IMO
Juliana’s probably freezing her ass off, and having cameras in her face probably doesn’t warm the cockles of her heart. I’ve seen pictures of Keith, and he is delicious! Good choice, Jules!
she made sure he is superb at “Doing” BlowJobs so she still means something in hollywood.
Finally a class act. Great looking kid.
Positive to have a man who looks amazing along with being really smart but all in all be proud of what you have and be happy with it pretty woman and just live your life for yourself and leave others out of it.
She looks Great and she has so much to bring to the table and is a good wife and that means loyal and there for a good man..
She is a Schylock thought…just got convicted of cheating manager out of him fees. Greed runs deep in their blood.