poshbecksncut3.jpgOur favorite fashion couple – the Beckhams – are kickin’ back on vacation in France. Even when they’re dressed DOWN, they do it right. Their upscale grunge looks good for a change – they both wear jeans well. Hopefully some of their instinctive style will rub off on their pals Tom and Katie Cruise.

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  1. they are looking cute – like they just walked out of a magazine or catalogue. maybe those clothes came from abercrombie and fitch, supposedly victorias favorite store. ?
    (i’ve never seen them with their kids. they must have a team of nannies. thank goodness that she has wisened up about the cult draft the tom has out for them..she said that no way was she giving that cult her money lol.)

  2. they are such a materialistic and an exhibitionistic couple…
    if you are wealthy, you can afford to dress ‘right’…

  3. I’ve seen lots of pictures of them with their kids in England. Most celebrities are materialistic and are exhibitionists so they will fit right in when they get to L.A.
    They are probably no worse or better than all of the other self-absorbed celebrity couples who all have many nannies and try to make the public believe they are down to earth and do it on their own.

  4. He’s so beautiful and she looks like a blow-up doll.
    Wake up, David, I’m right here.

  5. They could trade clothes and still look the same. Her gross and him fem.

  6. Janet, they’re boring.
    Unless we can get a crotch shot of her, give up.
    At least it would be a template for Britney on how not to cut herself to rat sh*t!

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