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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Things are looking grim for Scientology as everyone seems to be getting bolder about speaking out against the cult, or making fun of them. At one time journalists who reported on Scientology suffered all kinds of legal – and otherwise -consequences. The E! channel is the latest to target the weird organization. Their new drama series The Arrangement tells the thinly disguised story of the Tom CruiseKatie Holmes debacle. Their leading character Kyle is the biggest star in Hollywood (who does his own stunts) and he’s a member of “The Institute of the Higher Mind.” He “auditions” young actresses for his movie and selects one to MARRY – offering her a ten million dollar contract. Of course Kyle’s best friend is the cult leader – a David Miscavige type. And THAT’S just the first episode! E! insists the resemblance is purely coincidental and Scientology refuses to comment. Leah Remini must be thrilled.
Photo: E!

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  1. EdnaMae

    Somebody tell Cruise that we don’t care if he is gay. I can’t stand him gay or straight.

  2. susieserb

    Watching but there are no surprises…Not even your reveal? Everything is sickeningly obvious.

  3. Kait

    Looks great. Hope it’s well produced/acted.

  4. CLIT

    ………wher is american heading for?

  5. Gigi

    The Mormons are a bigger threat to America with their secret masonic rituals