Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck took their daughters Violet, 6, and Serephina, 3, to learn how to decorate cakes and cupcakes. Duff’s Cakemix on Melrose Avenue provides yummy cakes and lessons on how to decorate for kids. While they decorate they can nibble on various cake samples. It sounds like a lot more fun than the stuff we used to make in an Easy Bake Oven.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Cheap dirty Janet
He always looks like he’s ready to kill the whole bunch. How jgarner always looks like she smells bad.
poor guy, he looks miserable. But that is part of Daddyville.
Ben looks to be a patient and loving father to do that crap with his wife and daughters!
Gotta love him for that….
I think by all outward appearances, Jennifer Gardener tries to be a good mom. It looks to me like Ben is on his Blackberry or other device. At any rate, I give them credit for trying to be a normal family. 🙂
What a strange coincidence that this adorable blurb should come out at exactly the same time his latest movie launches.
Christine India
Will wonders never cease….that Ben would turn from a heavy gambler, skirt chaser, boozer, to a family man. There’s just something about him, given his past, that I would never trust. But maybe this is real, or he is a good actor. Personally I think he still indulges in both worlds.
Ben is a lucky man to have a nice family and came so close to being married to the supreme fame whore of the entertainment world. J Lo’s publicity machine made him out to be a lout and gambling addict but he came out much the better.
Steve Canyon
it’s more complicated than you think.
I made a batch of blue meth in my little sister Easy Bake Oven when I was eight.