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Janet Charlton's HOLLYWOOD


Saturday Night Live producer Lindsay Shookus, 37, suddenly found herself a paparazzi target for the first time today at LAX and she tried to keep her composure. Last night she was seen dining with Ben Affleck, 44, and afterward they went back to his house, where she was presumably staying. Paparazzi went nuts because gossip is scarce in July and a romance for Affleck is a BIG scoop. Speculation is exploding that Lindsay might be the real cause of Affleck’s divorce. They met three years ago when they were both married – now they’re both single. Suddenly, Lindsay’s life will never be the same. (It IS nice that they’re somewhat age appropriate…)

Photo Credit: AKM-GSI

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  1. Strom

    The smartest move he made was getting away from fame whore jlo
    Uj to so

  2. It's me Margaret

    Lauren, you’ve said it all, he has horrible taste in women. This one is not the one, but I’m hoping he’ll find a nice understanding gal, that isn’t trying to have another family and pretending to be Ozzie and Harriet.

  3. Delfina

    His wife seems to be a high maintenance pain in the rear. Maybe he just needs a bit of freedom and let some steam off. Maybe these two have a lot more in common than he baby maker.

    History shows that she has gone thru quite a cast of lovers herself. That should say something.

  4. Rhonda

    she is old looking and not very attractive.

  5. Daggers

    As the old steamship used to say: “Any port in a storm”.

  6. Sari

    Ben seems to be a lot of trouble…Jen’s probably relieved.

  7. susieserb

    It is beyond me why a man would put energy into an affair and not towards his wife and children. Sad, sad, sad…

  8. lara

    ……getting pregnant instantly?

  9. It's me Margaret

    Ooops, I meant rough for 37.

  10. It's me Margaret

    This woman looks rough for only being 33!
    Ben will cheat on her, if he hasn’t already.
    I hope garner learned a big lesson here, stop cheating on your significant other, because karma will bite you on the behind every time.